Chap 1

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'...' Kurama speaking
'....' Thinking speech
'...' Others thinking the speech


?? Pov

"What with the bright light!?" I started as I tried to rub my eyes. Instead, I felt small.
'The fu **, I become small. Wait, where am I? Who am I?' Question keep coming as I tried to look around my surrounding.
After adjusting to the light, I notice my surrounding.

After adjusting to the light, I notice my surrounding

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'Cute!!' I thought.

"Human did you think that I was cute!!" The beast roared. I nodded.

The beast was big, even when he inside the cage. I felt sad looking at it, I tried to walk but notice I am just a baby so like a baby I am. I crawl toward it.

The beast roared at me, "why are you not afraid me? Why are you coming closer?"

Instead of answering him, I thought ' you look lonely inside the cage and I want to let you free. No one like to have their freedom taken away.'

He laughed as he calms down he states his name, Kurama. Then he asks my name which I still don't know. Before I could reply to him, I felt like being pull out of my comfort zone.
.(Like how naruto was born)
This was what I heard before falling into a slumber, "Nao, Naruto, Mom and Dad will always love you both so become a good ninja..." A female voice plus a male said.

'Sh**, I am in Naruto...😅. I'm going to help Naruto no matter what but first I will help the other characters that deserve to be saved. Maybe I should be an OP character in this show, who cares I change the plot.' I thought.

3rd pov
(Age 1)

I learn to walk and speak fluently but also teach Naruto how. We have already been shunning by the villagers all expect grandpa Hokage. I learn to talk with Kurama as he states that I had loosened the seal allowing me to communicate with him as well as his other half in Naruto. While Naruto sleeps, I train with Kurama in my mindscape.

(Age 2)

My chakra control excels then what Kurama thought. I learn to able to sense a lot of things that contain chakra. I keep this hidden while I and Naruto are at 'Grandpa' hiruzen's office. Naruto asks a question that he asks all adults but none answer.

"Ne me Jiji, who are our parents?!"

Before he answers, I spoke childishly to him.
"Yeah, Jiji! Don't lie to us or I find it myself!"

He stares at both of us before he smokes out of his pipe. He told lies to both of us that makes me angry. So I communicate to Naru...

'Naru, he lying to us.'

'I know just like all of them .'

I nodded slowly after Hiruzen finishes his story. I went and grab a scroll that teaches medical ninjutsu. While I was looking through the scroll, I did not notice the stare of Hiruzen.

(Age 3)

I was studying at the head of the first Hokage when I sense hiruzen along some Anbu. I turn around to only see him alone but still able to sense the others.

"Nao-chan, what are you doing here alone? Should you not be with Naruto?"

'Ah, must be because I ditch the Anbu that was guarding me. He was annoying due to the chakra keep spiking with every action I do.'

'Yeah, kit, humans can be annoying'

I look at him and answer while pointing at a tree," Naru, he sleeping at the tree there."

He looks and just notices Naruto was really there.

"You should be going to bed since Naruto already sleeping. I bring both of you back to the orphanage." He said.

I shake my head and said, "Jiji, you don't need to. Naru and I had no place to go to."

He was going to ask why when Naru wake up.

Naru looks at Jiji then me while yawning cutely.

Naru said, "Jiji, why are you here?"

"I was going to bring both of you back to the orphanage when Nao-chan said that both of you had no place to go and I was wondering why."

Naru speak again sadly but a bit happy at the end, " they kick us out when Nao said she coming here to study, they even took our allowance that you give for us to eat.  Then I was coming to find Nao, but I found a nice man giving me ramen for free instead of scolding me."

Hiruzen looks angry but does not show it so he asks an Anbu to find an apartment for both us.

We both thank him for the house as we went to unpack our stuff.

(Age 4)

We both been asked if we want to go to the academy. I just nodded while Naru shouted happily.

I told Naru that I want to ask Jiji and ask if he wants to stay with me. He agrees.

"Jiji, are our father the fourth Hokage?"

He spits out the tea he was drinking as he cough. Before he answers, I point at Naru and said he looks like a carbon copy of the fourth minus the whiskers.

He coughs again and starts to explain who are our parents are. Naru and I listen to every word.

Naru looks happy that Jiji tells us everything. We both thank him and run out of his office.

That's all folks, the next chapter will start the beginning of the show. I would not spoil so much in this chapter. I will also do a flashback chapter and some character intro on both the Uzumaki.

*p.s * I only own my Oc and some of the plot. The picture that I use is all from the internet.

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