Chap 6

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'...' Kurama speaking
'....' Thinking speech
'...' Others thinking the speech

3rd pov


Team 7 was on their way to the land of waves. When the enemy came out, attacking Kakashi.

"One down."


The enemy then went straight to Naruto however was caught by Sasuke and Nao as each holding them down. Nao injected them with medicine that paralyzes their body. Naruto then called out to Kakashi who was watching the whole thing to come out.

"Yo," Kakashi said as he came out from hiding.

"Oi brat, what did you do to us!" One of them shouted.

"Good work, Sasuke, Naruto and Nao. Um, what happens to the two of them."

"I just add paralyzed poison on my weapon. Instead of killing an opponent, it's better to get information out of them first before killing."

After listening to what Nao said. Kakashi attention went to Tazuna, asking about his reason for lying.

Nao went towards the boys to check if they receive any injuries.

"Then how you discover us when we hiding..."

"Well... The sun is out, and it had not rained for a week."

"Liar, those kids already noticed us."

"Yup, it's so obvious that you been following us since we left the gate. Dattebayo."

Before Kakashi could ask how they know, even as an anbu, he couldn't sense them when they leaving the village. Sakura cut him, saying that it's dangerous and they should go back.

(Let skip to where they talking in the boat)

The boat only allows five people to sit. Kakashi then states that one of the genins has to sit on his lap.

Sakura thought, ' Like hell, I sit on his lap, I want Sasuke-kun.'

Naruto and Sasuke's eyebrows twitch while Nao looks annoyed.


Reaching the shore of their destination the four genins and two adults, walking quietly as not only to prevent the enemies to know their location but also to prevent the red-hair girl to be angry. It was so quiet that you can even hear a pin drop till a rustle in the bush.

The team all on guard. A rabbit hopped out. Naruto who saw it, quickly unleash some kunai. Trapping the rabbit. Sakura shouted at Naruto for his action while trying to look good in front of Sasuke.

'Haku...its you...then Zabuza took that job.' Nao thought.

"Get down!" Kakashi shouted as each of them get to it also pulling Tazuna down too.

Kakashi jumped out of the way and get in a battle position. Nao look at Naruto, both nodded their head as they also get in a stance.

A giant sword flew by, with a person standing on the handle of the sword with his back facing the team 7.

A giant sword flew by, with a person standing on the handle of the sword with his back facing the team 7

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'Zabuza...' Nao thought.

"Well, Well... If it isn't Momochi Zabuza, the kid who ran off and left the land of Mist."
I apologize for the long wait.

Also before I publish the next chapter, I would like if you give feedback on Haku and Zabuza

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Also before I publish the next chapter, I would like if you give feedback on Haku and Zabuza. Should they both live or die or one of them live? Comment or vote by giving me a star.

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