Chap 2

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-The clothes Nao wear is D, in blue plus Uzumaki crest at the back.

'...' Kurama speaking
'....' Thinking speech
'...' Others thinking the speech

3rd pov
[At the Hokage office]

"Hokage-sama, it is Naruto again!!!"-a random chunin

"Sigh...Let Iruka handle him."-Hiruzen

[At Academy]

" Naruto, this is the last straw. Tomorrow is the shinobi academy's graduation exam and you fail it two times already!"

" Whatever..."

💢💢"Time for a henge no jutsu test, everyone line up!"

"WHAT!!!" Everyone except a few

"SLAM!" A scroll was smack on the table stopping all them from complaining.

"If you had time to complain, line up!" A cold voice said.

A female in blue with her red hair tied up and her bangs cover one of her eyes, holding her scroll as she walks toward Naruto.

"Nee-chan, Arigatou dattebayo!"

Nao nodded. Others start lining up and henge to Iruka-sensei.

"Hai, Sakura here! Here goes!"

"Good! Next!"

"Sasuke-Kun did you see!" She said while looking at Sasuke with love-struck eyes.' Yes, I finally able to kick butt!'-inner sakura



"It's a total waste of time, it's all your fault, Naruto!"

"Like I care!"

After Nao transform to Iruka perfectly, it was Naruto's turn. Nao went to Hinata and cover her eyes as Naruto henge to his female counterpart naked. Getting him a scold from Iruka-sensei.

~Timeskip brought to you by the nosebleed Iruka~

Nao's pov

'The kit definitely makes this an art, it so hilarious...Hahaha!'

"Yeah.." 😅

"Nao-chan, you know you don't need to help him to clean

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"Nao-chan, you know you don't need to help him to clean."

"Naru, need help and this is my favourite spot to study and also he is my brother, we need to help one another."

"Nee-chan gomen dattebayo."

I tuned out their conversation and wipe the fourth Hokage head clean. I smile as both of them bond and been treated a free meal.

'Kurama, do you want anything to eat? '

' Don't need and don't disturb me. I'm sleeping.' I nodded.

I look at Naru and Iruka-sensei, then I just remember that I had an Anbu mission so I told Naru through the communication link while I tell Iruka that I'm tired and going home first.

~Timeskip brought to you by Iruka'empty wallet ~

3rd pov

' Ne Nee-chan, do you think i should pass this test and show that traitor his place.'

'You should, Naru. Also how about acting a show that allows others to know he is a traitor.'

While two communicate, a duck boy(Sasuke: Hn dobe, i not a duck!)or Sasuke look at the red hair girl reading her scroll. He, not the only one who is looking at her. Nao herself is the best kunoichi in the class tied with Sasuke himself. Many boys like her for her cool beauty. Making her popular and had her own fanboys.

(Let skip all the way to the part that man name Mizuki or something talk sh**)

Blah blah blah blah. Naruto had known that both he and Nao had Kyuubi known as Kurama in them. However, he did not care that the man insults him but when he heard this from that man.

"Maybe i should make your sister, my personal whore then i kill her!" He said while laughing without knowing two enraged people glaring at him.

Naruto almost snapped if it was not thanks to Nao as she calms Naruto with small talk through their link. While Iruka almost wants to take the shuriken on his back to throw at the man.

Me: Where are you, Nao!?
Nao: I'm at the Hokage office, watching the scene with Jiji.
Me: Oh, you better torture that Mizuki for trying to make you his whore. How dare he try to hurt what mine 💢.
Nao: Yup! I will make him suffer from hurting Naru and me. (creepy smile)

Anyway, let go back to the story since everyone knows what going to happen. We should skip until the day where they name the team. If you wondering does Nao know Konohamaru? Yes, she does due to babysitting him when he was young.

Nao wakes up early as she prepares breakfast for her and Naruto. She also prepares bento for them and Sasuke. Her forehead protector that she got secure nicely around her neck.

Naruto awake by the smell of delicious cuisine. As he rushes to prepare for today. He changes his clothes to an orange hoodie along with a black anbu pant. His forehead protector secure on his forehead.


May God teach that Mizuki his place!!
I had to watch the anime again plus the manga and anime not the same so I will be using both of them in my story.

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