{The Feeling Of Love} Ink! Sans x Emotionless! Reader

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Requested by xMemeyEmox

So happy to start an Undertale oneshot book with a request for once!


You became friends with Ink after becoming friends with Underswap Sans. He had introduced you two and you have been inseparable since. So inseparable, you had moved in together. But you had recently grown romantic feelings for Ink, but there was one problem. You had no idea what these feelings were. You were always bad at showing emotion, which made people wonder how you and Ink had become such good friends.

One day, you came to Ink for help. "Ink, I need help." You said plainly.

"What? What do you need help with? Is something wrong?" Ink asked, concern filling his voice. He hurried over to you, and he was about to hold your hands, but he stopped himself.

"Yes, I think so." You said. "My stomach...it hurts..." You poked your stomach for emphasis.

"What? Are you sick?" He asked, pressing his gloved hand to your forehead. Your face immediately went red and hot when he came into physical contact with you. "Oh wow. That's  quite the fever." He said with a laugh.

"Y-Yeah." You stuttered. You stared at his face, not looking away. Your cheeks were bright red with blush, but you hadn't even realized it.

"Uh...(Y/N)?" Ink asked, waving a hand in front of your face. You didn't even flinch. "Is something on my face?"

"No." You said. "I just...like looking at your face, for some reason." His cheekbones went red...orange...yellow, and soon the whole rainbow was covering his face.

"W-What do you mean?" He asked, fiddling with his scarf. "Are you sure there's not something on my face?"

"Yeah. You just have a nice looking face." You said without emotion. "Why is there a rainbow on your face?"

He placed his hands on his cheeks, looking flustered. "W-Well, um, that's my blush, (Y/N)..." He murmured.

"Huh? Can you speak up?" You asked.

"I said 'that's my blush, (Y/N)'!" He said, hands covering his face. He screamed internally. "Does this have anything to do with this feeling in your stomach?" Ink had an idea of what was going on with you.

You nodded. "Well, it's more in my chest now. What's wrong with me, Ink?" You said, gripping Ink by the shoulders, pulling his face closer to yours. "I've never felt like this before. And this feeling only seems to get stronger when I'm around you. You have a lot of colors on your face right now, Ink." He nodded. "I wanna test something."

You hugged Ink. He would often do this to you. Your heart was pounding and your face was bright red. You rubbed your cheek against Ink's. You placed Ink's arms around your waist. He let you do all these things. To be honest, he'd been wanting to do these kind of things with you for a long time. Ink had also developed romantic feelings for you, but he didn't know how to explain his feelings to someone who is emotionless. You placed his hands on your face, pulling his face close to yours. You got behind him and hugged him from behind. You repeated some of these several times until you got Ink's hand and placed it on your bum. That's when Ink finally intervened. "O-OKAY! Are y-you done!?" He asked.

"Are you angry with me?" You asked. You struggled with the word angry.

"N-No! I just don't want you to do anything TOO sexual!" Ink said with worry and blush covering his face.

"Did you not like the feeling of my butt?" You asked.

"No! It's not that! Your butt feels nice!" He said in a hurry. He slapped himself mentally. "B-But that's not the p-point!" He really was a nervous wreck right now.

"It seems that I have a certain reaction, or at least my body does, when I come into physical contact with you specifically. Blueberry often hugs me and does activities with me, but I do not feel the same then as I do with you. When I'm with YOU, my heart seems to race, my face heats up, making it red. And I also have certain desires I do not understand." You said, scratching your chin.

"Urges?" Ink asked.

"The urge to touch you and place my lips on yours." You said simply.

"U-Um, (Y/N)..." Ink said, about ready to take his scarf off because he was sweating so much. "I think you're in love...with me. Unless you feel this with others."

"No. It only seems to be with you. Also, love...that word sounds familiar." You said. "Isn't it from all those movies you watch? The one about the princesses and princes and things like that."

"Y-yes." Ink said, looking for something to do with his hands. He began fiddling with his sash. "So, you understand what people do when they love each other?"

"Kinda...Don't they do this?" You said. You wrapped your arms around the back of Ink's neck and suddenly planted your lips on his. (We gonna call them lips throughout the book cause screw it) Ink's eyes widened in surprise at your forwardness. But soon enough, he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you up against his body, deepening your kiss.

That was when you realized how much you wanted to be with Ink. It was almost like the movies, where true love's kiss breaks the curse. You were suddenly engulfed by a feeling of love. Warmth. Happiness as Ink held you in his arms. You wanted this moment to last forever. You slipped your tongue in his mouth, and he accepted you, not even seeming too nervous anymore. Your tongues collided, fighting for dominance.

Ink picked you up and pinned you to the floor, beating you and gaining dominance. His rainbow tongue explored your mouth, claiming you as his own. But alas, you two had to pull apart. Ink panted above you and suddenly realized what he had done. He avoided eye contact with you. "S-Sorry, (Y/N). I got ahead of myself." He said.

You sat up and planted a kiss on his cheek. "I don't mind." You said with a smile. Ink's eyes suddenly widened.

"Hey! You're smiling!" He said happily. You blushed and looked away. "You're feeling shy! You're...feeling..." He smiled and planted another his on your lips. "You're...happy."

"Yes, Ink! Thanks to you! After we kissed, it seemed like so much emotion serged through my body!" You said.

"That feeling of love..." Ink said, thinking. "It must've broken some sort of barrier within you, letting your feelings and emotions pour through you!" Ink hugged you tightly.

"I...I love you, so much, (Y/N)." He whispered in your ear, his voice quivering with happiness.

"I love you too, Ink!" You said, not whispering. "You saved me..."


WHOO! I loved writing this~ Thank you for requesting! Thank you for reading!


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