{Sweet Nightmares} Underswap! Papyrus x Reader x Nightmare! Sans

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Requested by DanielleJacobsen

Believe it or not, I had a crush on like, every AU Sans and Papyrus, and I'll be honest and admit that I still do-


[Your POV]

I was tossing and turning in bed. All week I had been having these horrible nightmares. Was it the trauma of falling into the Underground? That couldn't be it...I loved it here. In fact, I was living with two very kind skeleton brothers, Sans and Papyrus. Asgore had been so sweet, I miss Hapstablook, and Sans plans to introduce me to one of his best friends, Alphys. Things are...great. So why was I getting these nightmares?

I was trapped in an infinite black void. No sense of direction...everything was so dark. I would hold out my hands, only to be met with cold air. I shivered. This place was colder than Snowdin. But then came the voice. The voice and person that seemed to be there every time. He was a skeleton and very much resembled Sans, except for the fact he this icky black goo dripping from his body. "(Y/N), why do you run away from me?" He asked, making his way towards me. I tried to run, but I felt ink wrap around my legs, trapping me, gluing me to the ground. "Don't run away."

"Stop!" I shrieked, trying to release my feet. "Leave me alone, please!" Tears sprung from my eyes as I suddenly felt his cold hand on my shoulder.

My eyes snapped open as Papyrus began shaking my shoulder. "Hey, honey, you okay?" He asked, concerned. I stared at him blankly before nodding slowly. "Are you sure? You didn't seem like it..."

"I-I'm fine, Papyrus..." I said. "I just had another nightmare..." I felt Papyrus' hand stiffen when I said 'nightmare'.

"How long have you been having these...nightmares?" Papyrus asked as the two of us made our way downstairs. Sans, no doubt, had breakfast up and running. I had recently started teaching him how to make food that's actually edible. He was doing great.

"Um...all week?" I said, trying not to sound tired. Papyrus stopped me and got down to my level, his bony hands on my cheeks.

"Why did I not see it before?" He asked himself. My cheeks started heating up as he continued to stare at my face, caressing my cheeks with his hands.

"Uh, is there something on my face?" I asked, trying to keep my composure.

"Oh, you just...have some bags under your eyes." Papyrus said, pulling his hands and face away. "I'm sorry for not noticing and asking you about it. Guess I'll just have to start looking at your cute face more often~"

"U-Uh!" I stuttered, slapping my cheeks, trying to make the blush go away.

"But, anyways, why didn't you tell me about the nightmares?" He asked. I gave a sigh.

"I...don't know. At first, it just kinda seemed like a one time thing, and-" I started, but was interrupted by Sans.

"(Y/N)! Hurry up and eat your panwaffles, or we aren't gonna go and see Alphys!" As usual, he had said everything in a super loud voice and manner.

"'Panwaffles'?" I asked.

"You gave him a recipe for pancakes and waffles. He wanted to combine the two." Papyrus said with a smile. We finally entered the kitchen and Sans, Papyrus, and I all ate our panwaffles.


"Goodbye, Papyrus!" Sans said as the two of us were leaving to go and meet Alphys.

"We'll be back soon!" I added with a big cheesy smile.

"Okay. I'll just be at home, drinking honey." He said, reaching for the TV remote.

"Papyrus, if I find out you were at Muffet's again, you're going to be in a lot of trouble! It's too much sugar!" Sans reminded him.

"Uh-huh, mom." Papyrus said, making me giggle. Sans just made a face and led me out of the house.

"So, (Y/N), you've never been to Waterfall before, have you?" Sans asked, his tone quieter. Such a sweetheart.

"No, I don't think so." I said with a smile.

"In that case, we'll go..." He jumped up on a mound of snow. "...THE LONG WAY!"

"I thought you were in a rush to get to Alphys." I said.

He jumped down from the snow mound. "Kind of! But I also want you to see Waterfall in all its glory!" Sans said, taking my hand and we were soon jogging to the entrance of Waterfall. This skeleton. Sans...there's no way that guy from the nightmares could've been you...


"These are Echo Flower, (Y/N)!" Sans said, pointing to a tall blue flower. "They repeat the things you say!"

"This is an Echo Flower, (Y/N)! They repeat the things you say!" The Echo Flower bounced back. I smiled and Sans began blowing raspberries in a field of Echo Flowers. Of course, the Echo Flowers would respond with the same noise. Pretty soon, Sans and I were on the ground, rolling with laughter. But soon...something odd happened. As soon as Sans ran off to go play with more Echo Flowers, but legs felt...heavy. My mind was sluggish. 

"..ugh.." I groaned as my body's energy was slowly being sucked away by...something. "(Y/N)?" I heard Sans call in the distance.

"...Sans..." I whispered and fell face first into a bed of Echo Flowers.


"You're here." Said that voice. I woke up in the endless black void, nothing but him in sight.

"Who are you and what do you want from me!?" I cried, getting on my feet.

"I don't want to hurt you." He said. "My name's Nightmare."

"Of course it is." I muttered, looking around. Why was I looking around? I've been through this abyss countless times, there's nothing else here but him.

"Please, hear me out."

"No! You've been giving me these nightmares, haven't you?" I accused.

"Yes, but you need to understand 'why'." He said. I was silent, listening to his words, but I kept my distance from him. "I'm very...alone. I have no one. But ever since you entered this universe, it's like a miracle. You don't know me yet, so we can get to know each other. Together."

"Can't you go and give nightmares to someone else?" I asked. "Why me?"

"Because..." Nightmare started. But a blue hue dusted his cheeks. Was that...blush? I know Papyrus' face turned orange when he blushed. "B-Because I'm alone, I said it already!" His overall demeanor became...aggressive. "You are going to stay here with me and no one else-"

"(Y/N)?" A familiar voice called. I looked behind me to see my favorite tall orange skeleton.

"Papy!" I cried, about to run in his arms, but I felt something slimy wrap around my waist, pulling me towards Nightmare. I screamed, but Papyrus' hands latched onto mine, pulling me towards him. 

"You will stay here forever, with me!" Nightmare bellowed.

"No!" Papyrus said. "(Y/N), you can't stay here with him! You're coming home with me!" I looked back towards Nightmare. He had been giving me bad dreams for a week now but he had a reason. He was alone and wanted to change that. I looked back at Papyrus. He had always been there for me and was willing to put me before himself. He was sweet...Nightmare was sad.

I don't know...


HELLO. I hope this one didn't take too long to come out! It probably did. I'm really limited on devices right now so updates might be slower. But hey, here's this! Thanks for reading!


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