{Experiment} Asgore x Gaster

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Also requested by ShippingGurl2000

To be honest, I've never really thought about this ship. I guess I just never really shipped Gaster with anyone, but let's see what I do with this oneshot!


[Asgore's POV]

I was watering my flowers in the Throne Room, humming a tune to myself when Gaster walked through the door, clipboard in hand. "Um, your highness-" Gaster said.

"Please, Gaster, just call me Asgore." I said politely. Gaster blushed a purplish color, approaching me. Weird, Gaster was usually fine, but whenever he was around me, he blushed.

"Asgore, there's someone I want you to meet." Gaster said, keeping his composure. "Alphys!" A young dinosaur wearing a lab coat too big for her rounded the corner. She bowed so low, her face was buried in the golden flowers. "Asgore, this is Alphys. She will be helping me out in my lab from now on, if that's okay with you."

"Of course it's okay with me! As long as that's what she wants." I said, giving the small dinosaur a pat on the head.

"T-T-T-Thank you, your highness!" Alphys stuttered. "I-I'm very e-e-excited to be working in the lab!"

"Alphys, you're free to go back to the lab. Be careful." Gaster said. Alphys nodded and left. "So, what do you think?"

"She's a bit young. You never really seemed like the kinda person to allow children running around your lab." I said with a laugh.

"Well, she may be young, but she is quite smart for her age. Besides, I won't be allowing her to work around my more...dangerous experiments. I am merely teaching her how to become my future successor."

"'Dangerous experiments'?" I asked. This worried me. I didn't want Gaster to get hurt...

"Just dangerous in a sense that she could possibly get hurt." Gaster assured me. "For example, a machine might start a small fire, which is easy to put out - I might add - but I still don't want Alphys getting too close and personal with them."

"Understandable." I said. "Gaster, would you like some tea?" I looked him up and down. "You seem kind of exhausted."

"...Sure." Gaster said, following me to the castle's kitchen.

"Your highness! I can prepare it-" A maid said, but I shook my head.

"I can do it. I quite enjoy my own tea." I said with a smile. Gaster stood right next to me, watching me make the tea. "You okay there, Gaster?"

"Y-Yeah." He said. "Guess my mind's just...full."

"Full of what?" I asked, finishing up the tea, placing the cups on trays.

"Just...lab stuff." Gaster said.

"I'd love to talk about lab stuff, if you like." I said, carrying the tray back to the Throne Room. I sat down on a bed of golden flowers, patting the spot in front of me. With a bit of hesitation, Gaster took it. "So, what are you working on at the moment?"

"Well, I've pretty much told you all about my experiments." Gaster said, taking a sip.

"Yes, but I...quite enjoy talking to you, Gaster. So if there's anything you're really passionate about, I'd love to hear it." I said, blushing. It's true. I loved hearing Gaster talk. He almost choked on his tea, but managed to keep himself composed. "So, is there anything you would like to talk about?" Gaster was silent, staring down at his tea.

"I...have to go." He said, setting his tea on the floor. "I'll be in the lab."

"Gaster? Did I say something wrong?" I asked, worried.

"No, you didn't, I just realized...I had something to do." Gaster said, leaving the Throne Room. I gave a sigh. Even though Gaster was my best friend, I felt like I didn't know a lot about him. He usually just hangs out in his lab all day and only really comes out for tea with me. After finishing my tea and cleaning up, I decided to go down to the lab and look for Gaster.

I took the elevator and found the place looked...kinda dark. Whenever I came down here, it was quite bright. But now...everything looked creepy. As I walked through the dark hallways, I found Alphys pacing nervously. "Alphys?" I asked. She jumped, startled.

"K-King Asgore!" Alphys cried, immediately bowing.

"Alphys, it's okay." I said. "Why do you look so troubled?" She was sweating and shaking.

"I-It's Gaster, s-s-s-sir!" Alphys said. "He doesn't seem t-to be acting like h-himself! I haven't known h-him for as long as you h-have, b-b-but I feel like this isn't normal behaviour..."

"What is he doing that seems abnormal?" I asked, patting her on the back, trying to calm her down.

"He's locked himself in his o-office and I c-can hear weird noises." She said, pointing towards the door she had been pacing in front of. I patted her on the head and pressed my ear to the door. There were strange sounds. Sounds of small explosions followed by grunts of pain.

"I'm gonna go in and investigate. You stay here, Alphys." I said. She nodded as I turned the doorknob, finding it locked. I took a deep breath and tightened my grip, my palms lighting on fire, melting the doorknob and lock. I swung open the door. "Gaster!"

Gaster was standing in front of his desk in front of a circular tube that held white particles. He held it tightly in his hand, even though it seemed to be causing him pain. His entire hand was going white, cracks beginning to form.

"Gaster! Let go of that!" I cried, but he didn't respond. I panicked. Gaster...! I ran up to him, wrapping one arm around his waist and the other around his wrist. He didn't resist, keeping his eyes trained on the tube. I slammed his down towards the table, shattering the tube. Gaster's legs gave way, but I caught him in my arms. "Gaster! Gaster!"

"Ugh..." He groaned, clinging to me. "Asgore...? What...happened?"

"Was that an experiment!? A dangerous experiment!?" I cried, helping him onto his feet.

"I...didn't know it'd do that." He said, still holding onto me.

"You worried me! I was scared to death!" I said. "I can't lose you, Gaster!"

"...What?" Gaster asked. I didn't usually get TOO sentimental about things, but when it came to Gaster...I couldn't help it.

"I care about you a lot, Gaster." I said. "No more experiments that put you in danger, okay?"

"Sure, Asgore." He said. It may not have been for long, but I could've sworn I saw that blush again.


Hey! Sorry this took a while to come out, I've been working a lot on my Breath Of The Wild stuff. But I hope you enjoyed anyway! Thank you for reading and I'll see you next time!


Undertale AU Oneshots (I guess this is considered Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now