{It Doesn't Matter} Fell! Goth x Chubby! Reader x Fell! Palette

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Requested by xMemeyEmox

Thank you for requesting again (so I have something to write about *COUGH*) and I've never actually written a chapter about Goth, Palette so let's see how this goes!

Also, I don't know a lot about these characters, so please don't get mad if I get something wrong. Thank you!

Also, monsters have been released to the surface~


You were going on a run. Recently you had gained some weight, and you're almost 100% positive that it was because of those cookies you made not too long ago. Double chocolate chip cookies. Palette and Goth had eaten some, but you had the most. Goth had warned you about eating so many cookies, but you had gone ahead and finished them off anyway.

You felt your phone ringing in your pocket. "Oh! It's Goth!" You said excitedly. You answered the call. "Hey, Goth!" You stopped jogging.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" Palette said. Wait, why was Palette on Goth's phone.

"Give it back, Palette!" Goth yelled in the background.

"Come get it, beyotch!" Palette called. There was the sound of a crash then some huffing.

"P-Palette!?" You cried. "Are you guys okay?"

"Y-Yeah! We're fine!" Goth groaned.

[Meanwhile, back at Goth's house]

"I hate you, I hate you so much!" Goth whisper yelled as Palette held his arm behind his back, keeping him pinned to the kitchen floor.

"What was that?" You said over the phone. It was on speaker.

"Nothing, sweetheart~" Palette purred, leaning over Goth's shoulder. "I was just calling because I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to Dreamland later."

"The new amusement park?" You asked.

"Y-Yeah!" Goth coughed out. Palette had his knee digging into Goth's back, holding his head to the floor. "It recently o-opened and WE wanted to take you!" Goth glared up at Palette, who scowled back at him.

"Yeah! That sounds like a ton of fun! I'll head home now and get ready! What time do you guys plan to go?" (Y/N) said excitedly.

"We'll come pick you up at around 3:00." Palette said.

"Okay! I'll go get ready! How much money should I bring?" (Y/N) asked, the sounds of her pulling out her wallet filling the phone.

"Uh, we'll pay!" Goth said quickly.

"What? Really?" (Y/N) asked, seeming kinda hesitant.

"Of course! We can't have our date paying~" Palette said sweetly. Goth shot him a death stare.

"D-Date?" (Y/N) stuttered over the phone. Palette and Goth imagined their blushing face and blushed themselves.

"Gotta go!" Goth said quickly. "See you then!"

"O-Okay." (Y/N) said, hanging up the phone. Goth turned on his side, knocking Palette against the kitchen drawers.

"AH! What the hell, Goth!?" Palette cried, glaring daggers at him.

"I should say the same to you!" Goth said. "What was that about!? You realize you have a phone too!"

"Yeah~" Palette said with a smirk. "So what?"

Undertale AU Oneshots (I guess this is considered Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now