{Naive} Underlust! Sans x Innocent! Female! Reader

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Requested by custardcreamz327

YES. A REQUEST. ON THIS BOOK. God, I'm happy! Anyways, enjoy le oneshot! Thanks again for requesting, it just makes me so happy when people do~ ALso, do ya like the new book cover? Tell me whatcha think!



[Your POV]

I was walking to Grillby's with Sans, skipping along next to him, squeezing his hand. It's been almost a year since monsters had returned to the surface, and Sans and I were quite close. I still remember the day we met.

He was leaving Grillby's when I accidentally bumped into him, causing his beer to spill. I helped him clean it up and he asked for my number. Then we became better friends as time went on! But, as of recently, I've started growing feelings for him. Don't tell anyone! I plan to tell him tonight at Grillby's! I've never been there before, but Sans tells me it's a lot of fun. I can't help but feel my cheeks heat up as he allows me to hold his hand. "You seem excited." Sans said.

"Of course I am! I get to go to Grillby's with you tonight!" I said.

"Heh, what's so special about that?" He asked.

"Oh, w-well, um..." I stuttered. "I-I heard the food is really good there!"

"Yeah, everything there tastes SO good." He said with a smirk. I smiled as we approached a building with big bolded letters above the doors. Grillby's. I stamped my feet up and down in excitement. "Calm down, sweetheart." Sans ruffled my hair. He called me 'sweetheart'! I could feel myself blushing my head off. "Now, are you sure you'll be able to handle it?"

"Handle what?" I asked. "It's just a restaurant."

"Uh-huh, sure, sweetheart." Sans said. "You weren't listening to me when I told you about what Grillby's is, were you?"

"U-Uh..." I searched for words, but couldn't find any. Instead, I stared down at the ground guiltily. But Sans just chuckled and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"You're all good, sweetheart." Sans said, placing a hand on my cheek. "Just stick with me~" He suddenly placed a kiss on my cheek, leading me into Grillby's. I let out a squeak of happiness. I knew Sans was a flirt, but holy crap! Was this a sign? His way of hinting romantic feelings? I shook my head, trying to keep myself together.

But I was suddenly pulled back into reality when music started blaring in my ears and crowds of people surrounded Sans and I. The skeleton quickly pulled me into his arms, my body pressing into his. I began to panic, but I clung to Sans. Keeping an arm around my waist, he was able to lead me through the crowd. I blinked rapidly as we found a counter being manned by a fire monster. "Hey, Sans!" The flame monster said with a charming smile.

"Hey, Grillbz." Sans said. "(Y/N), this is Grillby. Grillby, (Y/N)." Grillby filled a small glass with a drink and handed it to Sans.

"So, you're that girl Sans won't shut up about, huh?" Grillby asked, holding out his hand. I smiled and took his hand in mine. My eyes widened and teared up as my hand suddenly felt like it was burning! I ripped my hand away, blowing on it tearily. "Oops~" The fire monster didn't sound apologetic at all.

"Don't be a dick, Grillby." Sans said, frowning at him.

"Hey, we're all about jokes around here." Grillby said. "So, what can I get you, love?"

"O-OH, me?" I asked. Grillby nodded, polishing a glass. "Oh, do you guys sell hamburgers?"

"...Hamburgers?" Grillby asked. He raised an eyebrow at Sans, who made a face saying 'I told you so'. "I'll see what we have." Grillby walked away, leaving Sans and I alone at the counter.

"Hey, Sans, what was that face you made?" I asked.


"You made an 'I told you so' face." I said.

"Ah, I just told him a while back about how innocent and naive you are." Sans said.

"I-I'm not innocent! Or naive!" I argued. Sans raised an eyebrow and I leaned over the counter, staring him in the eye sockets. "Try me!"

"Fine." Sans said, grabbing me by the shoulders. I blushed, but he spun me around so I was facing a stage not too far from where we were sitting. A very beautiful woman was dancing around a pole in nothing but her underwear, blowing kisses at the boys in the audience. When her eyes met mine, she winked, gripping the pole and rubbing her body up and down it. "What is that woman doing?"

"Uh..." I thought for a second. "She's dancing."

"What kind of dancing?" Sans asked.

"Really good dancing." I said. Sans raised a bone-brow and he spun me back around. "What? People are applauding, so she must be good, right?"

"Sometimes I wonder if you really are dumb." Sans said with a chuckle, playing with his small glass cup. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What did you just say about me?" I asked. Sans was silent, staring at the counter. I frowned and looked at the ground, my heart shattering. "I'm gonna go find Grillby." I got out of my seat and entered the crowd, not hearing Sans call my name from behind.

As I was looking for Grillby, I suddenly got the feeling of being watched. I blinked and spotted a man leaning against a wall, staring at one of the dancing women. But his eyes would occasionally flash in my direction. I looked behind me, half-hoping to see Sans following me. I had to admit, after what he said, my feelings didn't change. When I turned back around, I bumped into someone's chest. "Hey, doll." The man said. I looked up at him. He had to be at least a head taller then me. He was holding a large glass of the drink Sans had been drinking. "Could I offer you a drink?" He handed the glass out to me.

I furrowed my brow but accepted the drink. See, Sans? I can be an adult too! With a little hesitation, I chugged down the entire drink. The man smirked down at me, spawning a sinking feeling in my stomach. "U-Um, what's your name?" I asked.

"Not important, doll." He said, placing a shoulder. I looked up at him, feeling drowsy. "Why dontcha come with me, sweetheart?" This wasn't the same as when Sans called me 'sweetheart'. When Sans did, I felt happy, but when this man did, I felt sick. I tried stepping back, but the crowd just pushed me closer to the man. "Let's get out of this crowd." I couldn't stop him. I was being led out of Grillby's by this strange man and I could feel my consciousness fading away. I tried to keep my eyes open, but it was no use. The man picked me up, holding me bridal style as he walked out of the back of the building. The scent of trash filled my nostrils, making me stir. "Hold still, doll."

"No, you hold still." A familiar voice said. The man stopped and looked behind him.

"Sans!" I cried. The man dropped me out of his arms, but Sans held his hand out, making me float just above the ground, my SOUL hovering just above my chest. I felt myself being pulled by Sans. I landed behind Sans carefully. He had used his magic to get me away from that man...

"Listen, man, I wasn't gonna do anything, I swear." The man said, stepping back.

"Eh, I don't believe you." Sans said, his balled fist emitting a purple fire. "Now, you can either run and never come back, or I can kill you, right here, right now."

"You're lying! You'd never do that!" The man said. Sans pushed his fist forward, a purple flame shooting from his skeletal hand. The man's eyes widened and he ran away in fear. Once he knew he was gone, Sans got on his knees at my side.

"(Y/N)! Are you okay? What did he do to you?" Sans cried, cradling my head in his arms.

"Hehe, it's okay, Sans!" I said drowsily. "You're here now! The love of my life has come to save me!" I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck, hugging him, pressing my face against his cheek. His eye sockets widened but he soon smiled.

"I love you, sweetheart." He said, kissing my cheek. "Alright, let's get home..."


Sorry this took so long to come out, I was watching Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Mandalorian, and Sonic X, plz don't kill me. I'll see you next time!


Undertale AU Oneshots (I guess this is considered Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now