{You're Mine} Dom! Ink! Sans x Sub! Error! Sans

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Requested by ShippingGurl2000

Hey, so I wasn't sure if the person who requested this wanted this to be a lemon, because they didn't specify, so this'll just be a fluff. Thank you! Also, yes, I know the last oneshot was also an Ink x Error story. They're actually kinda fun to write... Also, like I said last time: I'm not gonna do the whole 'lOoKs LiKe A vOiCeCrAcK' kinda thing for Error, because it takes way too long to write. Also, might get into lime territory.

Anyways, enjoy!


[Ink's POV]

I need a way to impress Error. He's been ignoring me recently, and I need to get his attention. What was something I could do to get Error's attention? I gave a sigh. I usually had a pretty creative mind, but at the moment, my mind was blank. That was when it hit me. Seduction! Yes, I'm sure Error would love seduction!

"Error!" I called his name, walking through the void, searching for my boyfriend. "Error! Error! Err-AHH!" I shrieked as a portal opened right in front of me. But I calmed down when the skeleton who walked through that portal was the love of my life, Error. "Error!" I said, hugging him.

"Hey, Ink." He said, hugging me back. I planted a kiss on his cheekbone, making him blush. "So what've you been up to today?" Now it was my turn to blush.

"Well, um, you know, the usual." I said. He raised a bonebrow.

"Welp, sounds fun." He said, beginning to walk away.

"U-UM, actually, Error, there was something...I wanted to talk to you about." I said, gripping the sleeve of his hoodie. He turned back, looking at me. "You're avoiding me, I can tell."

"...Huh?" Error asked, his face turning yellow with blush. "I...don't know what you're talking about, Ink."

"Yes, you do! I can see it in your eye sockets!" I said, poking his forehead.

"Hehe, you really are a bottom." Error said. My eyes went wide as I felt my skull heat up.

"No! You're a bottom!" I yelled.

"Which is exactly what a bottom would say." He said.

"So you're a bottom!" I said. He rolled his eyes and walked away from me, my hands losing grip on his hoodie sleeve. Once again, he ignored me. I frowned, beginning to pace back and forth. I need to come up with some way to prove to Error that I am in fact a top, not a bottom! Should I go and ask Underlust Sans for help? No, I need to do this on my own. I began wandering through the void. I found a spot far from where Error walked and held out my hand. Ink began dripping from my hand, onto the floor, creating the shape of a house. I held out my other hand and balled them both into fists. The house, which had just been drawn in ink on the ground, now became 3D, appearing in front of me. It was a simple two story house, almost a replica of most Sans and Papyrus houses among the AUs.

The house went from just black ink to plenty of colors. When I walked inside, every room filled with color and life. It was amazing. Okay, now I need to get this place set up. I dimmed the lights to start. Yes, Error would love that. As I turned to begin preparing some food, I tripped over the coffee table in the living room.

"OW!" I screamed, landing on my face on the ground. I gave a sigh, getting back to my feet. Maybe I should've dimmed the lights last...


Everything is finished. Everything is prepared. Now I just need to get Error here! I walked outside, to the front of the house, taking my paintbrush off my back. I drew a circle in the void, creating a portal. I put my paintbrush back on my back and reached through the portal. "Hey! What the hell!?" I heard Error's voice as I grabbed his hoodie. With a mischievous smile, I pulled Error through the portal. It closed as soon as he was lying on the ground, staring up at me. "What the hell was that, Ink-" But I bent over, placing a gloved finger over his lips(Like I said people, we calling them L I P S). "Ink?" His voice was slightly muffled by my finger.

"Hush, sweetheart." I said with a smile. "Just get up and follow me~" I stood up straight, allowing him to stand up. I could feel the heat from his face all the way over here. His yellow blush covered his face. I took a step closer to him, wrapping an arm around his waist. It was slightly awkward, since I was a bit shorter than him, but it could've just been me. I led him in the house, holding the door open for him.

"Okay, Ink, what's going on?" Error asked, folding his arms.

"Nothing. I don't know what you're talking about. I just wanna make my fine ass boyfriend happy. Is that too much?" I asked, putting a hand on my chest, acting mock offended. He just rolled his pinpricks as I closed the door behind us.

"Nice place you got here." He said, looking around the room. "But...it's kinda hard to see."

"Here~" I said, picking up a nearby candle. "The lights are dimmed."

"Why is that?" Error asked, accepting the candle.

"Oh, just to...save power." I said, nearly running into the coffee table again on my way to the kitchen. Shit!

"Um, Ink, we live in the void. I don't think we have to pay electricity bills or anything like that." He said with a laugh.

"J-Just follow me!" I said, shuffling towards the kitchen. Error, after laughing to himself, followed me. When we entered the kitchen, Error's jaw dropped. There was a mini fountain sitting in the middle of the table with a plate of strawberries next to it. The counters were littered with lit candles, giving the room quite the sensual vibe. "Please...sit~" I pulled out the chair sitting at the head of the table. He silently sat in the seat, allowing me to push in his seat. I sat in the chair next to him, picking up the strawberry. I had cut off the green leaves on the top of the strawberries to I could enact my master plan. I dipped a strawberry in the chocolate fountain and held it up to Error's mouth. "Open wide, sweetie~" I leaned across the table, making sure that my butt was sticking out, my back arching.

"U-Uh..." Error stuttered, opening his mouth. I slowly stuck the strawberry in his mouth, chocolate sticking to the sides of his mouth, dripping onto my fingers. As he chewed on his strawberry, I looked down at my fingers.

"Aw...it's too bad that I got this chocolate on my fingers. Can you...help me?" I asked, holding out my skeletal hand to Error, removing my glove. I don't think his face would've been able to handle any more blush. He looked like he was about to pass out as he brought his face to my fingers. He opened his mouth and stuck out his multiple tongues, wrapping around my fingers, dragging them into his mouth. I let out a small moan as his tongues soaked my fingers. I arched my back, sticking out my rainbow tongue.

After licking my fingers clean, Error pulled away from my hand, his tongues still sticking out. "There. All...d-done." He panted.

"I want a taste of that chocolate~" I whined, leaning my face in close to his. We stared into each other's eye sockets, seemingly lost. Then I lunged forward, placing one of my hands on Error's clothed rib cage for support. We immediately went in for the french kiss, our tongues battling for dominance. Error almost won, wrapping all his tongue around mine, squeezing. The feeling made me dizzy with love, but I had to prove to Error that I could take the lead. My tongue broke free of his grasp and I leaned in so much that I almost fell off my chair. I stuck my tongue back in my mouth and began sucking on Error's many tongues. I heard him squeak out a moan as I sucked harder. I kept going at it for a few moments before pulling away, panting, searching for air. Error did the same.

"Wow. Ink, that was...wow." Error said.

"So, am I still a bottom?" I asked, staring into his eye sockets as seductively as I could.

"OH hell yeah." Error said. My seductive smile turned into a disappointed frown. "But you're my bottom." Error suddenly had his hands on my waist, pulling me into his lap. My eyes widened as our bodies pressed against each other. I enjoyed being the top...and I think I'll definitely try it again.


HI! I hope you enjoyed! I hope y'all didn't mind if it got into a bit of lime territory. I do enjoy writing limes. Anyways, have a good night/morning, everyone!


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