{True Colors} Depressed! Ink! Sans x Error! Sans

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Requested by Tayloremc

YAY! This is actually one of my biggest ships, even though I really liked both Ink and Error. I think they're super cute. Also, when I googled Ink x Error, holy shit, there was SO. MUCH. SMUT. Also, I'ma not do the whole "I sOuNd LiKe i'M hAvInG a VoIcEcRaCk eVeRy SeCoNd" kinda 'glitchy' dialogue, like I see in other Error fanfics.



[Error's POV]

"Ink, this is ridiculous!" I shouted, shaking Ink by the shoulders. "You can't just keep going around and creating alternate universes, it's gonna fill up the multiverse!"

"If anyone's being ridiculous, it's YOU, Error!" Ink said as I shoved him away from me. I began walking in the endless void, with Ink following me. "And I can't CREATE alternate universes, Error, you know this! I can only enhance and bring characters to life through others' ideas and imaginations."

"Yeah, yeah, I get it, no need to keep talking about this bullshit, Ink!" I said, putting my hand in front of his face. He gasped and slapped it away.

"It is not...BULLSHIT!" He screamed. My eyes widened. Ink almost never swore. "It's not...bullshit." His tone became lower and quieter. "I'm doing it for others. This has nothing to do with me. I'm doing it because there are so many amazing creators who have so much potential and I can see that, and I want to make their dreams come true." I stared at him a moment and shook my head. Turning away from him, and continuing walking. I heard him let out a breathy gasp. "Will you just stop being such an asshole and listen to me!?" I felt him grip my arm, but I grabbed him with my free hand and pushed him to the ground. He looked up at me with a face full of pain and sadness. "You never listen!"

"Because I don't care, Ink!" I bursted and Ink's jaw dropped. He didn't say anything. Instead, he avoided eye contact with me, stood up, and opened a portal. "Wait, Ink, where are you going?"

"Away from you..." He said, hopping through the portal.

"No, wait! Ink!" I cried, but the portal had closed. I growled to myself. Even if I wanted to follow Ink, I had no idea which AU he just hopped into. Whatever, it's not my problem...right?


It's been several hours since Ink left. I've been sitting in the endless void, alone. "Oh no, I'm not alone, I have my little puppets." I told myself. I snapped my finger and blue string lowered down a puppet. But this was the puppet of Ink... I couldn't help but rub my finger over the soft head of my pocket and let out a sigh. Did I really mean any of those things I said to Ink? Of course I did! I'm Error, destroyer of AUs. I was right and Ink was wrong! That's how this works...right?


Ink's been missing for a day now and I'm starting to question what I said to him. If I had said something that wasn't all too impactful, Ink would've just put up with my shit, but he wasn't. He was gone. Ink, where are you!? The only reason he could've left is if I'd completely hurt his feelings. But...I hadn't, right? Ink's just being dramatic, right?


A week. I don't know how I could go an entire week thinking I was in the right and Ink was in the wrong. He wasn't. I had been wrong. Why? Because I'm the destroyer of AUs... I need to go out and look for Ink. Where would Ink go? He'd probably go and see his friends, Underswap Sans, AKA Blueberry, and Dreamtale Sans, AKA Dream.

I opened a portal and stepped through, finding myself in the forest far off Snowdin. I took a deep breath and began walking. I only stopped when I heard someone humming a tune that sounded like Megalovania. I peered through the trees, finding Blueberry messing around with his traps. I took a deep breath and held up my hand. Blue strings suddenly shot out, catching Blueberry off guard. The strings wrapped around his body, covering his mouth so his screams became muffled as he struggled. "MMM! MMM!" He screamed.

Undertale AU Oneshots (I guess this is considered Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now