{Burned Out} Alterswap! Asgore x Genocide! Reader

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Okay so yee, I know no one requested this, but I thought that maybe I should update this book at least. I am posting on other books multiple time a week, and no one's requesting anything on here, but I wanna update.

Plus, like, I freaking love Alterswap Asgore. He's one of my fictional babes~


[Asgore's POV]

'Why did they do it? We were happy once...so why did they reset? It couldn't have been them. I know (Y/N) like the back of my hand, they would've never done this!' These thoughts ran through my head as the light shined through the barrier, filling the Judgement Hall with light. I gripped the pink scarf that had once belonged to my sister, Toriel. In the other, I held a (F/C) lucky charm, made by the love of my life, (Y/N) (L/N). I remember that day like it was yesterday. Had it been yesterday? Maybe...

"Asgore?" (Y/N) asked. "I found something really strange today in the woods."

"What?" I said. "Show me." (Y/N) took me by the hand and we walked through Snowdin. As we trudged through the snow, we soon came to a halt in the middle of the forest.

"I hid it, since it radiated a strange feeling." (Y/N) said, crouching down next to a pile of snow. "I didn't want any of kids to come and try taking it." They brushed away some snow. Underneath the snow, lay a golden locket. My heart stopped as (Y/N) reached to pick it up.

"(Y/N)! DON'T!" I cried, but it was too late. They had laid a finger on it.

"AGH!" (Y/N) screamed. "A-Asgore!" They're eyes shut close. I was too stunned to move. When their eyes opened, they were bright red. "Asgore."

"...You." I growled. "What have you done to (Y/N), you demon!?" I hate you! I hate you so much!

"(Y/N) is no more." They said. "I am Frisk." They stared daggers into me and then they suddenly disappeared.

"No!" I cried, watching the world began to warp around me. "No! (Y/N)!" I screamed but my screams weren't heard. I blinked and I was sitting up in bed, hyperventilating. I shot out of my bed and ran down the stairs. "(Y/N)!?"

"Who's that?" Toriel asked, appearing from the kitchen.

I had cried for a long time and I still do...

As I stared down at the ground, I heard footsteps as (Y/N) entered the Judgement Hall. "So..." I murmured. I hardly had the will to even say my usual dialogue. "You've been busy...huh?"

"Let's just get this over with, shall we, Asgore?" (Y/N) said. No, not (Y/N)...Frisk. I frowned as a tear slid down my cheek, wettening my fur.

"You're right." I said, reaching behind me, summoning my trident. "I miss my sister. I miss my friends. I miss you, (Y/N)."

"I am not (Y/N)!" Frisk cried, pulling out their knife. "I am Frisk!" They ran towards me, knife in front of them. I frowned as I called upon my fire, disintegrating them. It was excruciating to watch, because it was Frisk in the body of (Y/N). It was like burning my love alive. I blinked away tears as the battle ensued. As it continued, I couldn't help but think of the moments I shared with (Y/N)...

I smiled as (Y/N) squeezed my hand. It was our first date, so I could understand why they were nervous. I felt them shaking behind me. I was wearing a purple dress shirt and black pants. They were wearing a (F/C) (Dress/Tux). They were beautiful. "You don't have to be nervous, ya know?" I said jokingly.

"I-I know, but...I am." They said. "I just want this to go smoothly..."

"Aw, but that's no fun~" I said, wrapping an arm around their waist. They blushed madly. "Wow. You're even more easily flustered then I thought!"

"A-Asgore!" They stammered. "Don't tease me!"

"Aw, but teasing is fun." I said, tracing their back slowly with my finger, making them shiver. I smiled.

"Frisk...I don't know if I want to tell you to give up or not. But this is getting tiring." I said with a frown.

"I love you, (Y/N)." I said as I pressed my nose into theirs. Toriel was at training with Alphys. (Y/N) and I had the house to ourselves. We were laying there on the couch, in the dark, in quite close contact.

"I love you too, Asgore." They said, laying their head on my chest. "Hey, Asgore, I know this is taking a while, you know, to get you guys to the surface-"

"You know what I told you about those kind of conversations..." I said. "We don't need to return to the surface. Another war would probably break out."

"But it might not!" They said, looking up at me. "Maybe-"

"(Y/N)..." I said, putting a finger over their mouth. "I'm not letting you sacrifice your SOUL just so we can achieve some dream that's probably not even realistic." I placed my paw on their face, making them look at me. "I love you and I could never bear to lose you. Do you understand."

"Yeah..." (Y/N) said glumly, laying their head back on my chest. I gave a sigh.

"Hey, lighten up, sweetheart." I said, getting in a different position. I was hovering above them, arms on either side. I leaned down and kissed them passionately on the lips. I pulled away. "No matter what happens, we will be together. I promise." They nodded and smiled happily, going in for another kiss.

"Frisk, please just stop." I said as they appeared from their SAVE point for the twentieth time. 

"So you're begging~" They said.

"No. I'm just asking." I said with a frown. "I'm getting tired of all this..." I blinked as my vision got blurry. Weird...this has never happened before. Something was going on with Frisk too.

"AGH! What are you doing!?" They cried, gripping their head.

"I won't let you kill him!" (Y/N)'s voice came from Frisk's mouth.

"(Y/N)!?" I cried, trying to stand up. I felt my energy come back to me. "(Y/N)!" I could feel tears of joy welling up in my eyes. "Fight back! I believe in you!"

"NO!" Frisk yelled, holding up the knife. They began to repeatedly stab themselves! "STOP IT! STOP IT! What is this!? This feeling in my chest!"

"This feeling is not yours!" (Y/N) yelled. Their eyes began flashing from red to (E/C). They dropped the knife and collapsed to the floor of the Judgement Hall. They screamed as I stood frozen in place. Then everything went quiet. I ran to their side.

"(Y/N)...?" I whispered, moving the hair out of their face. "Oh god..." My hand trailed down to the multiple stab wounds in their stomach. "(Y/N)...?"

"...Asgore?" (Y/N) whispered, reaching their hand out. The locket had disappeared.

"(Y/N)!" I cried, picking them up in my arms as gently as I could. "Oh, (Y/N)!"

"Asgore, I'm sorry to say this but..." They were starting to trail off. "We need to reset! We can't live in a world without Toriel, or Papyrus, or-"

"I know what you mean..." I said, smiling sadly. "I promise I won't forget you."

"I promise I won't either." (Y/N) said, looking up at me with one of those beautiful smiles. They reached into their pocket and pulled out their phone. On the screen was a RESET button. They stared vacantly at it for a second before looking back at me. "I love you, Asgore."

"I love you too, (Y/N)." I said, tears spilling from my eyes. "And I'll see you soon."


HAYYY! Like I said, I'm sorry for not updating in a while. I've been getting a lot of requests on my other oneshot books, and nobody requests on here. But hey, at least I got an update out! This was fun!

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