{Honey} Underfell! Sans x Reader x Underswap! Papyrus

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Requested by ZodiacEye

Once again, a request from Swapped Oneshots! I hope you enjoy, cause Underswap Papy's my bae~


[Your POV]

"C'mon, Papy! You're taking forever!" I whined, pulling on Papyrus' arm. Today was the day that he was going to take me Underfell. Ever since I found out about Papyrus' powers, I've practically begged him to take me on an adventure in another universe. "Do you think they'll have an edgy version of me?"

"Probably not, tibia honest." Papyrus smirked.

"Aw. Why not?" I asked.

"Well, you're different, (Y/N). Like I've told you before, you broke the mould. Instead of Chara, it was you." Papyrus said. He looked down at me, his cheeks turning orange. "And I don't really mind it..."

"What was that last part?" I asked.

"Oh, nuthin'." He said. I cocked my head to the side, confused. "Alright, c'mon, let's head out. Sans is with Alphys, so we should be safe for a short trip. Sans can go and burn down her house instead." I giggled, locking my arm in Papyrus'. His face went orange again as he opened the portal. "You ready, honey?"

"Ready as ever, Papy!" I said. He wrapped an arm around my waist, jumping into the portal. We entered...a kitchen. I blinked twice. "This kitchen looks a lot like yours, Papy."

"Well, it is an alternate universe. Lots of things will be the same, just...altered." He said, tapping his chin. After a bit of hesitation, he let go of my waist. We walked out of the kitchen to find Sans on the couch. Except, this wasn't the happy and energetic Sans that I was used to. This Sans wore a black hoodie and dark shorts with yellow and red highlights. His teeth were sharp and he had red eyes. 

"God, Papyrus, took you long enough. Lucky for you, Boss spends a lot of time outside the house-" He started. Then his eyes landed on me. I stared at him. His face went red and he pulled Papyrus aside.

[Papyrus' POV]

"Make your move before I do." Sans whispered. My eyes sockets widened and I punched him in the shoulder.

"What the hell are you insinuating?" I whisper yelled. He shrugged and walked over to (Y/N).

"Heya, sweetheart~" He said, winking at them. They...BLUSHED. They FREAKING blushed!? I folded my arms, glaring at Sans.

"O-Oh, hi...uh...should I just call you 'Sans'?" They asked.

"Whatever works for you, dollface." Sans said, kissing their hand. But right as his lips were about to make contact with their hand, I teleported next to them, pulling my bottle of honey out of my pocket, squirting it on (Y/N)'s hand. "ACK!" He pulled away, honey covering his lips.

"Hehehe!" (Y/N) laughed, looking up at me. "You're such a dork!" They went to wipe the honey off their hand when I grabbed their hand and gave it a big lick. (Y/N)'s face went bright red. "PAPY!"

"What? Ya taste good, honey~" I cooed and they looked away. I cocked an bonebrow at Sans, who frowned at me. He walked over, wiping the honey from his mouth and onto my hoodie. I smirked as I snapped my fingers and it disappeared.

"Anyways, (Y/N). Since you're cute, I'll let ya hang around, does that sound good with ya?" Sans said, holding their hand. An impulse, I grabbed their other hand.

(Y/N) nodded. "Yeah! Do you guys have anything planned?" (Y/N) asked. Sans and I made eye contact. I had told him about traveling through the alternate universes with (Y/N), but we never really had any other plans then that.

"Hey, do you know Mettaton?" Sans asked. (Y/N) nodded. "Let's watch his show. I'm sure it's a lot different from yours." I nodded and the three of us sat on the couch, (Y/N) between us. Sans turned on the TV and (Y/N) watched, curiosity clear in their eyes, sitting on the edge of the couch. I faked a yawn, wrapping my arm around (Y/N)'s shoulder, only to find Sans had already done that. Sans furrowed his brow and slapped my skeletal hand. I frowned, not moving my arm. (Y/N) stretched and leaned their back against the couch.

"All your guys' yawns are making me tired." They said, giving a yawn themself. Their eyes closed and they leaned back with a stretch. My eyes widened as they laid their head on my shoulder.

"So cute..." I whispered, stroking their hair as they began to softly snore. Traveling to different universes CAN take up a lot of energy if you're not used to it, so it makes sense they'd be a bit tired. But then Sans pulled (Y/N)'s legs onto his lap. I frowned as his fingers stroked their leg, going up and down. He smirked at me and I couldn't help but flip the bird at him. "(Y/N). Is. Mine. I would suggest you back off."

"Wow. You're actually putting energy into something." Sans said. "But I'm sorry, not sorry, to say that (Y/N) will in fact be mine." He growled. HE GROWLED AT ME!?

"There's no way you're good enough for (Y/N). They deserve the most gentlemanly gentleman there is." I said, trying to keep my cool. I sucked on my bottle of honey.

"Did you not see me just kiss their hand?" Sans asked, starting to sound quite pissed off.

"I saw you kiss some honey, but not MY honey." I said, threatening to squirt the honey from the bottle at him. Normally I wouldn't risk losing my honey, but desperate times call for desperate measures. "You can't take (Y/N) away from me."

"Oh yeah? Why's that?" Sans asked sarcastically.

"They broke the mould." I said, staring at the TV blankly.

"Huh?" He asked, now more confused then angry.

"They fell instead of Frisk. They promise to be a pacifist. I...I can't go another genocide run, Sans..." I said. "If they leave, the game will make another person fall, and I'm willing to bet it's gonna be Frisk. If (Y/N) stays, doesn't reset, and does the pacifist run, then...I might actually be able to do something with my life."

"...I see what you mean, Papyrus." Sans said, slumping in his seat. "But...(Y/N)'s the only thing that shines here. I mean, look at this place. Frisk hasn't fallen in years. But the minute (Y/N) showed up, it was like something happened..." I looked over at him, seeing the pain on his face. "You can take (Y/N) home now..."

"..." I looked down at (Y/N). "You know, they'll wanna visit again. I'm sure that we can work out something."

"Really? Why would (Y/N) wanna see this place? It's a hellhole!"

"They love new things." I said.

(Y/N)'s eyes blinked open and they yawned, looking from me to Sans. "What were you guys talking about?" They asked curiously.

"Oh, nothing." Sans and I said in unison.


HEYY! I'm sorry this took a while to come out, but now it's HERE! I hope you enjoy and I'll see you all next time!


Undertale AU Oneshots (I guess this is considered Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now