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anna's p.o.v.

"goodnight my love."

i couldn't get those words out of my mind. his words.

after hours of staying up late with lacie and telling her everything, we finally went to bed. we snuggled into our shared bed and just sat there in the quiet.

"i wonder what he's doing right now." i said, just speaking my mind to the atmosphere.

"he's probably thinking about you." lacie says next to me.

"you think so?" i question whilst turning on my side to look at her.

"i know so." she answers, mirroring my actions, so now we're facing each other. "anna, you've gotta stop over thinking this. i know you don't usually do this, and you're only doing so because you care about him deeply, but he feels the same. i just know it. from the time i've spent around y'all together and with him in general while you've gotten up for a couple minutes to pee or grab a snack, i can see the way he looks at you. talks about you. and from that, i can tell the way he thinks about you is the exact same. so don't over think it. just jump. jump into his arms. kiss him as much as you want. but anna, don't worry about it. he'll catch you." and with that i know how he feels. even if it isn't coming from him directly. i somehow understand.

"thank you lace. really and truly, i mean it. from the bottom of my heart. you've always been here for me to keep me safe and grounded. but also to let me know when to let loose."

we both sit up and hug each other for a minute and then pull apart. "and i always will be. i love you mi amor."

"i love you most." i look at her with sincerity and then with slight mischief. "NO BACKSIES!!" i yell, breaking out into a laugh.

"shit." she mutters and lays back down on her pillow with a defeated huff. i just stay sat up as i chuckle.

"hey, i'm not that tired yet, i'm gonna sit on the balcony for a bit. i'll be back." i tell the sleepy pile of person next to me.

"mkay, goodnight." she mumbles, slowly drifting to sleep.

i swing my legs off the bed and my feet land on the hard wood flooring below. i carefully open the sliding glass door and step outside, sitting on one of the outdoor chairs. i pull my legs to my chest and take a deep breath. everything is just going so good i can't help but think it'll all start falling to pieces, but the optimistic side tells me everything is gonna be great. i'll listen to the ladder.

the waves crash below me and i half think to go down and just sit on the sand. but it feels wrong somehow, because that's mine and harry's thing. we sit on the beach together. sitting alone would be depressing and i'm not depressed. maybe i'll just sit by the pool and dip my feet in? no, that sounds even more depressing.

right as i'm about to give up on my attempt to wander down below and go inside, i hear a "psst." come from my right. i ignore it because i must be hearing wrong.

"psst!" another one.

i look to my right to see harry on his balcony looking at me groggily. "what are you doing up? it's 3 in the am!!" he whisper yells.

"i could ask you the same!" i whisper yell back.

"touché." he shrugs. "is lacie in your bed?" he asks and i nod yes. "come over here? please? i can't sleep, i've been thinking about you too much!" he begs with pouty puppy dog eyes.

"harry, i can't make that jump!" i state.

"c'mon! i'm sure you can!" he reasons.

"harry, i am 5 foot 2, i'm telling you. i cannot make that jump!" i argue.

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