Chapter 3

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Harry felt uncomfortable and testy all week. He was sure that everyone was staring at him all the time. It was quite a different sort of attention he was used to receiving. Everywhere he looked, there was another one of his classmates smirking at him or smiling oddly, sometimes even looking a bit disgusted, and it was really starting to bother him.

"Seamus," he said on Monday as the two of them were walking towards their Potions class. "Um, when you decided be open"

"Being gay?" Seamus asked.

"Er, yes, that," Harry replied, glancing off to the side. "Did people ever give you trouble about it?" Seamus blinked, looking thoughtful.

"No, not really," he replied, before sighing. "Well, I mean... I guess there's always going to be someone who's disgusted by it, or uncomfortable with it, or something, and they definitely show it. But you can't hide who you are just because of a couple of people." Harry nodded absently, wincing as Justin chuckled and shook his head when he walked by. "Why do you ask, anyway? Something you'd like to tell me, eh, Harry?" Seamus grinned suggestively at his fellow Gryffindor.

"What? Seamus- No!" Harry spluttered. "It's just...this whole thing with-with Malfoy...and the dares. I've noticed some people sneering at me about it. So I was just wondering."

"Yeah, that happens. You learn to ignore it. After all, the only people whose opinions I care about don't seem to mind."

"Hmm. Yeah, I don't mind. Not really," Harry said, and Seamus gave him a genuine smile.

"And that means a lot to me, Harry, really. Thanks." Harry smiled back. As the two boys turned the corner and were nearing Snape's classroom, they noticed some of the Slytherins approaching from the opposite direction. "Oy, look Harry, it's your clandestine lover," Seamus quipped cheerfully. Pansy snickered from beside Draco.

"Funny, Finnigan," Draco scowled as Harry shot Seamus an annoyed look. "You're very amusing."

"Malfoy," Harry said guardedly. Draco glanced at him, eyes narrowing.

"Potter." The two stood there, glaring at each other for about a minute before Pansy sighed exasperatedly.

"Oh honestly," she exclaimed, and shoved Draco aside so she could make her way into the classroom. Draco looked scandalized, and started brushing down his clothes.

"So, Malfoy," Seamus smirked, raising an eyebrow, "are those hickeys on your neck, or did you suddenly develop a rash?" Draco's hand shot to cover the side of his neck and his eyebrows furrowed as Harry winced. Both boys glanced briefly at each other and blushed slightly, before their gazes slid off to the side.

"Whatever," Draco grumbled, turning to follow Pansy. His hand was still covering his neck. Seamus started snickering, but Harry elbowed him slightly.

"What?" he said, trying to appear innocent. Harry frowned at him, his cheeks still pink. Ron and Hermione turned the corner at that moment, and Ron started waving wildly.

"Hey, mate, missed you after last class. Where'd you go?" he asked, smiling widely. Harry sighed and rolled his eyes, entering the classroom without answering. Ron frowned, and glanced at Seamus. "Did I say something?" Seamus grinned.


* * *

Harry managed to avoid running into Draco for the next few days. It was odd, because it seemed as if the boy was suddenly showing up everywhere. Before, Harry had never gone out of his way to avoid him, so he was pretty sure that Draco had probably always been around, it's just that'd he'd never been actively looking for him. Now, though, every time he peered around a corner, or was walking towards the Great Hall or classes they didn't even have together, Harry would see that blond head. It was kind of unnerving.

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