Chapter 8

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Harry had already been pacing about the Room of Requirement for a good twenty minutes by the time Draco showed up at precisely nine o'clock. The blond took one look into the room and sneered at Harry.

"Same room as always, I see," he drawled. "With that bed again. Honestly, Potter, we're going to have to do something about that perverse corner of your mind." Harry made a choking sound and paled slightly, eyes darting nervously to the bed that was indeed still looming in the back of the room.

"Did you have anything specific in mind?" he attempted to ask innocently, though his averted eyes and shaky voice ruined it.

"Excuse me?" Draco asked uncertainly.

"Nothing," was Harry's quick reply and he dug his hands nervously into his pants pockets. He'd discarded his robes, and everything they contained, out of sight near the couch earlier. There was a pause as Draco eyed Harry suspiciously, before he sighed.

"Ok, Potter, I'm here. So what's the plan?" he asked resignedly. The Gryffindor's eyes widened.

"Er... W-well...I thought" he stuttered, and then gestured helplessly at the couch. "Sit down, Malfoy. Let's talk."

"Talk?" Draco repeated incredulously as he moved to sit down. "What could we possibly have to talk about?"

"Um..." Harry wasn't actually sure, but he suddenly felt the need to put off his 'plan' for as long as possible. He followed Draco, sitting down on the arm of the couch and planting his feet on the cushions, and fished around for a topic they could discuss. "Quidditch?" he offered hesitantly. Draco snorted.

"I'm not talking about Quidditch with you. As if you need anymore advantages."

"I didn't mean Hogwarts Quidditch! I meant, um...well, which team are you pulling for this season? Ron reckons the Chudley Cannons will-"

"Potter," Draco interrupted, looking strangely at Harry, "we...are not friends."

"Well, obviously," Harry retorted, annoyed.

"So why are you trying to talk to me?"

"I just, actually I'm just putting off"

"It's that bad?" Harry noticed Draco looked slightly ill.

"It's...pretty bad," he said hesitantly. Draco took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. He stretched his legs out in front of him and rested his feet on the table, crossed at the ankle.

"We could talk about girls," he said in a bored tone, putting his hands behind his head and leaning back on them.

"Girls?" Harry repeated, eyebrows rising. "That just sounds like another attempt to prove your heterosexuali-"

"Shut up!" Draco snapped.

"Right." Harry grinned. "Ok, so what about girls?" Apparently Draco hadn't thought that far, because it took him a few seconds to answer.

"Who do you wank to?" he finally asked. Harry blanched.

"That's none of your business!" he snapped. Draco raised an eyebrow at him. "Well would you tell me who you wanked to?"

"Padma Patil. Or Parvati," the Slytherin answered immediately, before looking thoughtful. "Or both, really."

"Ah," Harry answered, unable to keep his lips from quirking upwards. "I've wanked to Parvati before." Then he remembered exactly how far that had gotten him last time he'd tried. Blushing, he quickly shoved the thought from his mind. "I used to think about Cho...but that didn't turn out so well."

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