Chapter 11

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About a week after Draco had his earth-shattering revelation, Harry accidentally had an epiphany of his own.

Christmas with the Weasleys had been wonderful. Most of the family had shown up for the holidays, with the notable exceptions of Percy, who no one mentioned, and Bill, who hadn't been able to get away from his job but had promised to show up for New Years. Seeing the twins again had been fun, and Harry couldn't help wishing they were still at Hogwarts.

The days of break sped by faster than Harry would have liked, but he was glad to see Hermione again when New Year's Eve rolled around.

He was also rather glad to see Bill, who had shown up with Fleur almost immediately after Hermione.

Harry's epiphany occurred sometime during dinner, though he really shouldn't have been so surprised by it. He'd always liked Bill, ever since he'd first met him before his fourth year. Having him and Mrs. Weasley there to support him during the third task later that year had been a huge relief. And really, Harry thought as he drank from his glass, hadn't the first word he'd thought of the first time he'd seen the man been cool? Harry couldn't help the way his gaze kept falling on Bill throughout the meal, and it finally occurred to him during dessert that he was staring at Bill the same way Hermione was. And she had the same look in her eyes that Ron did as he gazed longingly at Fleur.

Harry promptly choked as his pumpkin juice went down the wrong tube, and it took both of his aforementioned friends pounding on his back for him to be able to breathe again.

"Harry, what happened back there?" Hermione asked later when she, Ron, and Harry were all sitting in Ron's room. "You still look like you've seen a ghost or something."

"Harry sees ghosts all the time, what's that got to do with anything?" Ron asked in confusion. Hermione huffed and rolled her eyes.

"Muggle phrase," she said, waving off the question and focusing on Harry. "Harry, what's wrong?"

It took a few seconds for the boy to answer as he sat there with a stunned expression on his face, but eventually he blurted out, "I'm gay," in an awed sort of voice. Hermione and Ron sat quietly, waiting expectantly for more, but when no explanation came they glanced at each other.

"Um, Harry," Ron said slowly. "We know. You've told us that already."

"No," Harry shook his head slightly, "no, I mean I'm really gay. Not just...just- How did you put it, Ron? Malfoy-sexual?" Hermione snorted and Ron grinned.

"Yeah, that's right. Wait... You mean...?" he trailed off, staring at Harry, who nodded slowly.

"I'm just...attracted to general," he declared softly. "Or at least I think so."

"And how did this occur to you?" Hermione asked, looking interested. Harry looked sheepish, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Well," he started to say, focusing on Hermione so he could avoid looking at Ron, "I was...staring Bill...and..." Hermione immediately grinned.

"He's gorgeous, isn't he?" she gushed. Harry bit his lip slightly, blushing, and nodded. Ron groaned.

"Awww, Harry!" he moaned, wrinkling his nose. "You're not supposed to find my brothers attractive!"

"He's more than attractive," Hermione said, smiling widely. Ron gave her a disgruntled look.

"He really is, Ron," Harry added hesitantly. "I guess I've always thought so... Just...his hair!"

"Begs for you to run your hands through it?" Hermione offered slyly. Harry laughed.

"Yes!" he exclaimed. "And I love his earring. It's brilliant!"

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