Chapter 6

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Pansy sauntered into the Slytherin common room the next morning, still attempting to tie her hair up into a ponytail, and Blaise descended on her immediately in a rush of black robes.

"Have you seen Draco?" he asked quickly. The black-haired girl quirked an eyebrow at him.

"Blaise, darling, I only just got up. Or did you not notice me walking down from the girls' dormitories?" she returned, smiling slightly. Blaise ran a hand through his ebony hair.

"I thought maybe you'd been down here earlier or something," he said, exhaling slowly and glancing away.

"Is something the matter? Have you checked his bed?" Blaise shot the girl a disgruntled look.

"Of course I did, what do you take me for?" he huffed. "I haven't seen him all morning."

"What about Vincent and Greg?" Pansy asked, walking further into the common room as if to look around for the missing blond. "Would they know?"

"Doubtful. Pansy...his bed looks like it hasn't been slept in," Blaise said hesitantly. The girl's eyes shot towards his.

"Well, he makes it every morning, doesn't he?"

"Well yes...but it's just that...I mean, didn't we leave him with Potter last night?"

"Oh please," Pansy chuckled, "don't tell me you think Potter has done something to him!" Blaise paused and frowned.

"'Something' is a very vague word..." he murmured, and then Pansy finally seemed to catch on, which was odd considering her latest endeavors in pairing the two boys together. Blaise thought she must still be tired or something.

"Oh. Ooohh," Pansy smirked and began to straighten the pillows on the couches. "Just as unlikely," she said, handing Blaise a spare Transfigurations book that had been tucked in between the cushions as he trailed after her. "I mean, they're hardly going to do anything on their own. They're both hopeless."

"But they were also drunk," Blaise countered, watching as the Slytherin Prefect kneeled on the floor and looked under the couches. "In fact, we left them with nearly half a bottle of firewhiskey!" Pansy pulled out a dusty Potions manual and tossed it to Blaise, grimacing. Then she paused, a thoughtful look crossing her face as she wiped her hands off.

"Good point," she finally said, and laughed shortly. "I'd forgotten! Maybe that'll give them a push in the right direction." Blaise frowned again, and put the texts he'd been given down on a nearby table.

"Pansy, what exactly are you trying to accomplish with those two?" he asked. "Nothing good can come of it; Draco's father is the Dark Lord's right-hand man!" Pansy quickly shushed the boy, glancing around at the younger students milling about the common room, before pulling him down onto the nearby couch.

"Blaise, I'm going to ask you what may seem to be a very personal question, but I want you to answer me honestly, ok?" At his nod, she continued, "How do you feel about muggleborns?"

"Well I- what? Muggleborns? What has that got to do with anything?" Blaise asked, confused.

"Just answer."

"Um, alright... Well, I guess...I mean- well I really don't give them much thought at all!" Pansy rolled her eyes in exasperation.

"You are aware that practically the whole Light and Dark issue is about them?" she asked, eyebrow raised.

"Yes!" Blaise exclaimed, a bit affronted. "It's just...well they don't bother me much. I couldn't even tell you the names of all the students that are muggleborn. Aside from like...Granger, or something." Pansy sighed agitatedly.

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