Chapter 10

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Harry was bored.

He'd done his bit of mingling already, and was now standing at the back of the room watching the rest of his classmates. There were still people out on the dance floor, which Harry was now avoiding after Lavender had dragged him onto it earlier for three songs. More people were lingering around the food tables, and there seemed to be some sort of card game going on in the back corner of the room. Harry had thought about joining, but he'd gotten pulled into a conversation with Terry Boot and now it was probably too late. So instead he was trying to find Ron but he had no clue where the boy had gone, and he was steadily not trying to seek out Malfoy's blond head in the crowd of all his peers.

Of course, when purposefully not doing something, it is inevitable that the something will happen anyway, so suddenly he could see the Slytherin stumbling towards him out of the corner of his eye and-

Harry did a double-take.

"'Lo, Potter!" Draco said cheerfully, leaning forward and into Harry's personal space. The green-eyed boy reared back, nearly gagging from the smell of alcohol on Draco's breath.

"Malfoy! What- Were you drinking? Who brought alcohol?! And where's your shirt? And-and your shoes? Hell, where's Pansy's bra?!" Harry asked in rapid succession, eyes growing wider as he looked over Draco's lithe body that now only seemed to be covered in the skirt he'd been wearing all night. "Tell me you're still wearing your underwear," he said in a pleading tone.

Draco had the audacity to giggle at him and rested a hand on his stomach. Then a confused expression crossed his face and he looked down at the fingers he was trailing across his bare skin.

"Hey, where's my shirt?!" he cried. Harry sighed and took the time to note how flushed the blond's cheeks looked.

"Malfoy?" Harry said slowly.

"Potter?" Draco returned in the same tone, eyes wide.

"What have you been drinking?" Harry continued. The Slytherin bit his lip slightly and glanced towards the ceiling for awhile.

"Firewhiskey!" he suddenly declared, crossing his arms across his naked chest and looking inordinately proud of himself. Harry thought he looked rather-

Er...nothing. He thought he looked like nothing. Actually he wasn't even thinking about how Draco looked at all. Nope!

"And where did you get it from?" Harry asked quickly, keeping his eyes on Draco's face.

"Theodore brought it," the other boy replied promptly. "S'why he came, I think." Harry sighed and pursed his lips, glancing around the room to see if anyone was paying attention to Draco Malfoy gallivanting about in nothing but a skirt. It didn't look like anyone was watching, but then again he'd made the mistake of thinking that before.

"And your clothes?" Harry asked tiredly. "Have you any idea where they got to?" Draco nodded rapidly.

"I was A game. A card game!" he said, and then started tapping his chin thoughtfully. "Started with a 'P'... Pock? Poke?"


"Ah! That's the one!" Draco exclaimed, snapping his fingers. "It was...uhh...Don? Dean? It was Dean's idea." Harry blinked, head tilting to the side slightly.

"Dean suggested that you play strip poker?" he repeated faintly. Draco nodded again, grinning. "And you actually agreed to play?" There was more vigorous nodding. "But...Malfoy... Poker is a Muggle game." Draco's face fell, and suddenly he looked as if he really might cry.

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