Chapter 5

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When Harry finally became aware of where he was again, the first thing he noticed was the absolute silence of the room. Sudden feelings of mortification swept over him and he sat up awkwardly, trying to ignore Draco's smirking face that was looming in front of him. Careful not to meet anyone's eyes, he leaned back against the wall, shoving his hands into his lap and noticing for the first time that Draco had apparently zipped him up again. That only made the embarrassment worse.

"I kind of think Potter should reciprocate the dare," Blaise Zabini spoke up, and Harry wanted to throttle him. Then he realized what exactly it was that he'd said, and waves of panic rushed over him.

"Boring," Hermione said, casting a quick eye over Harry. "We've already seen it once tonight, no need to see it again." There were murmurs around the group, but when everyone seemed to more or less agree, with the exception of Draco who didn't seem to be able to hide his disappointment. Harry let out a breath, and gave Hermione a thankful look. She merely shrugged in response and Harry grinned.

They were done for another week.

* * *

The problem now, though, was that Harry knew people wanted him to return the dare. So he spent half of the week worrying about it and fretting about what he would do if it came up and how people would make fun of him because surely he would be horrible at it...

It wasn't until Thursday that he was able to work up the confidence, but after dinner that night he waited patiently in the corridor outside the Great Hall, and when Draco sauntered out of the door, thankfully with none of his fellow Slytherins tagging along, Harry wasted no time darting forward to grab his sleeve before dragging him off to an empty classroom. The boy followed complacently enough, only pausing to sneer at Harry once the door was closed and securely locked.

"No need to manhandle me like that, Potter. If you wanted to talk, you only had to ask," Draco smirked, crossing his arms and lifting his chin a bit. Despite himself, Harry cocked an eyebrow.

"Who said anything about talking?" he retorted, corner of his mouth lifting. "There are much better uses for your mouth, after all." Draco frowned at the reminder of their previous dare, and narrowed his eyes at Harry.

"You can't be serious," he said, eying the boy skeptically. "Is that really why you pulled me into here?"

"Well...not exactly, per se," Harry mumbled, feeling his cheeks burn a little. "It's a bit the other way around, really."

"Excuse me?" Draco blinked, and Harry sighed exasperatedly.

"Um, are you free tonight?" he asked. Draco nodded slowly, still looking suspicious. "Meet me in the Room of Requirement? At nine?"

"What's in it for me?"

There was a pause before Harry answered in a mocking tone, "You cannot possibly be that dense, Malfoy." He actually managed a smirk after that, despite the flip-flopping his stomach was currently doing. He watched as awareness dawned in Draco's eyes.

"Oh. Ooohhh," Draco grinned nastily. "Are you serious, Potter?" Harry shrugged noncommittally. "Because if you aren't, I don't have to show up, you know." Draco began examining his fingernails idly, waiting for an answer, but Harry's eyes just narrowed.

"Going to suggest I 'deep-throat inanimate objects' instead?" he asked sarcastically. Draco glanced up at him.

"Yes, something like that," he smirked. Harry shrugged again.

"Alright," he said lightly, and headed for the door.

"Wha- wait!" Draco cried. Harry turned, eyebrows raised.

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