Chapter 7

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"Look, Granger, I've told you what I'm trying to get out of this. As inconceivable as it may seem to you, Slytherins do have friends, and Draco is one of mine. I'm only trying to figure out what you're trying to gain!"

"I know that, and I understand what you've told me, but that doesn't mean I automatically trust you!"

Had someone been lurking about in the hallway outside the Potions classroom early that Sunday morning, they would have seen a sight that most people who had attended Hogwarts in recent years would call peculiar.

"Well I don't know how you want me to prove it to you. What, do you think this is all some elaborate plan to present Potter to the Dark Lord?"

"No! No I don't. I just...I know that Mal-...Draco's your friend, so then you must understand that since Harry is my friend; I'm worried about him as well!

After all, it's not everyday that a Gryffindor and a Slytherin meet in dark, dank corridors to chat.

"You have nothing to be worried about."

"Nothing- Pansy, Malfoy's father is-"

"Still in Azkaban, in case you've forgotten. For the first time in his life, Draco is finally not under his father's influence. Being constantly surrounded by Potter's goody-two-shoes attitude can only help him!"

"Or annoy him to no end."

"...Or that."

"Malfoy...Draco. I don't know what it is about him, but he has this affect on Harry... He always has. Ever since first year, he's the only person who can really get under Harry's skin. He gets...reactions out of Harry no matter what mood he's in. Ever since last summer, Harry's just been...depressed. He needs a distraction. Something to keep his attention away from losing-"

"So Draco's to be a distraction."

"No...well, yes, sort of. But more than that! You saw them last night-"

"Oh, Merlin, did I."

"There's something there, Pansy. These past few weeks, Harry has finally looked happy again."

"Has he? Because Draco has been downright miserable and moody."

"Ah, well, yes, so has Harry...but it's different than it was before. He looks alive again. He's been able to concentrate on something other than Voldemort."

"Alive...yeah, Draco looks like that too. He has that spark back in his eyes. I know his dad's not actually dead, but being in feels the same. Like he's never going to see him again."


"They're good for each other. Aren't they?"

"They're each what the other needs."

"But they're both too stubborn for their own good."

"...I can deal with Harry. I know what he's reserved about. And Draco?"

"He'll probably be more difficult. But it's nothing I can't handle."

"Well wipe that smirk off your face and hop to it. Winter holidays are coming up; I don't know how the weeks apart will affect what we've been doing."

"Right. I'll get back to you if anything changes, Granger."

"Ok. See you in class, Pansy."

* * *

Pansy had just entered the common room and sealed the entrance behind her when she turned and found Draco standing silently in front of her, piercing stare narrowed on her face.

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