Chapter 9

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Harry hadn't thought anyone would be able to tell what he and Draco had done the night before.

Apparently he'd momentarily forgotten that Seamus was one of his roommates.

"Hang on a minute, Harry," the Irish boy said, grabbing Harry's sleeve early the next morning as the Gryffindor boys were heading down to breakfast. Ron turned to look at him curiously, and Dean and Neville paused a bit farther down the hall. "Go on you lot, we'll be right behind you!" Seamus continued with shooing gesture. Ron frowned doubtfully, but went on his way without saying anything. There were a few seconds of unbearably awkward silence as Seamus eyed him thoughtfully. Or at least Harry considered them awkward. He could feel his face burning, and he nervously adjusted the shoulder strap on his bag. "So, Harry-"

"Nothing happened," the green-eyed boy immediately blurted. Seamus blinked and chuckled.

"Harry, Harry, Harry," he grinned. "Don't give me that! It's like holding up a sign that says 'MALFOY FUCKED ME!'" Harry yanked his arm away from Seamus and cast quick glances up and down the hall.

"You want to say that a little louder?" he hissed, and Seamus' grin widened. Harry groaned. "How the hell did you know?" he asked in slight shock.

"You're walking funny," the boy answered. Harry frowned. He'd thought he'd been hiding the slight twinge he felt every time he took a step rather well.

"Is it that obvious?" he asked, a little worried. Seamus shook his head.

"No.'re a bit stiff looking, like you're trying to hide a limp. Taking small steps. Stuff like that. I've been there, I know what it looks like." Seamus paused. " was it?" he then asked innocently. Harry felt his blush return full force, and he turned to walk quickly down the hall. "No, Harry, come back!" the sandy-haired boy chuckled, running after him and grabbing his sleeve again. "I'm sorry! I was just curious." Harry sighed.

"It, it wasn't bad," he answered, refusing to look at the other boy. A small smile graced his lips. Seamus smirked.

"Not bad, eh?" Harry's blush deepened even further. "How much pain was there?"

"A lot," Harry answered honestly. "Especially for Malfoy. He hated it the whole time. But I only hated about half of it. Actually, I was wondering-"

"Whoa, wait, back up!" Seamus interrupted, brow furrowing. "He didn't like topping?"

"Oh, no, he liked topping. He didn't like bottoming, but I think that was my fault-"

"You both topped and bottomed?" Seamus cut in again. He looked a little surprised, and then laughed slightly. "Only you two would do that. What, were you fighting over who got to fuck the other first?"

"Er...yeah," Harry replied sheepishly, grinning a little. "But it was really bad for Malfoy. Is, I mean, purely out of curiosity, of course, but...why was it so bad for him? Is there something I was doing wrong? I mean it felt incredible when he was...and I...well it was-"

"Harry, shut up," Seamus laughed, throwing an arm around his shoulder. He began steering him towards the Great Hall. "I think you and I need to have a little conversation about what feels good for blokes."

* * *

Draco sauntered into the Great Hall quite a while after his fellow Slytherins and he noticed immediately (not, of course, that he was looking for him or anything) that Harry wasn't there. A quick glance up and down the Gryffindor table showed that the only other person missing who Draco particularly cared about was Seamus.

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