Chapter 12

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"How do you think they'll take it?"

"How do I think who will take what?"

"How do you think our friends will take...will take...this?"

Draco lifted his head from where it'd been resting against the wall of the train compartment and lazily turned to look at Harry, who was sitting next to him. They'd been in the same position for some time now, Draco sitting with his knees propped up, arms resting atop them, and Harry with his legs stretched out in front of him. The lengths of their sides were pressed together, from shoulder to hip to thigh, and they'd actually been surrounded by a comfortable silence until Harry had broken it.

"You can't even say it," Draco said, and Harry would have panicked and tried to reassure him if not for the amused tone the boy had used. So instead he shrugged and rolled his eyes.

"Boyfriends," he amended, grinning. "How do you think our friends will take us being boyfriends?" Draco shrugged this time.

"Who knows," he said, head falling back against the wall again.

"I really don't think they'll mind," Harry pressed, glancing over.

"Well they'd better not." Draco sighed, back arching off the wall as he stretched, and shifted so that he was sitting cross-legged. "It was their idea, after all."

"Hmm," Harry hummed in agreement, lowering his eyes to take in the pale skin of Draco's neck.

"The question you should be asking," Draco continued, though not oblivious to Harry's stare, "is whether or not we want to tell them right away." He shifted again, head rolling to the side as his eyes slid closed.

"I thought we decided that we weren't going to keep this a secret," Harry murmured, eyes still locked in place.

"We aren't."

"So we'll tell them?"

"We can tell them at dinner, for all I care." Draco opened one eye and peered at Harry as the boy drew his bottom lip in between his teeth.

"At dinner, then," Harry said, eyes darting up to meet Draco's for a brief second, before dropping with a fixated intensity back onto his neck. Draco's lips twitched into a smirk, as much as he tried to keep his face blank, and he closed his eyes again.

"Alright," he drawled. There was a few seconds pause, and then Harry all but pounced on the other boy and Draco was doing his best to withhold the laughter that wanted to escape his throat as Harry's mouth latched onto the skin above his collarbone.

"Sit with me," Harry murmured, voice muffled since his mouth was otherwise occupied. Draco stiffened slightly and relaxed almost immediately after as Harry's tongue soothed his skin.

"Sit with you?" he repeated, hand working its way beneath Harry's shirt and resting on the slight curve in his waist.

"At dinner." Harry raised his head and met Draco's eyes. "When we tell them. Ron and Hermione, I mean. We can tell your friends afterwards."

"My friends, your friends," Draco scoffed, with a roll of his eyes. "That's going to have to change." Harry blinked.

"I suppose," he said, a thoughtful look crossing his face. "Hermione and Pansy are already friends. And...well, actually, I don't have much of a problem with your friends."

"That's because I have good taste." Draco smirked, and then promptly frowned. His nose wrinkled. "You, on the other hand..." Harry sat back on his heels, brow furrowed. "Well, your friends are just something I'm going to have to learn to live with."

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