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My whole life I have struggled to trust other women

From bullying to body shaming to slut-shaming other women

I heard girls saying things like, 

I love her but she's a weirdo

she would be so much prettier without that hair

she's not that talented

she'll never make it.

These women, they are your sisters. 

Your experience is of each other 

If we are fighting for equality there has to be harmony

So, here's my letter to every woman who knows better than to scarlet letter their sister

to whisper or backstab a sister

There will be no progress in fighting for equality if we are marching in a different direction or correction

When we all march in discriminatory sections

We need to show up

Show up for each other

We can't afford to divide each other

Since the early days, we are taught to compare and compete with one another.

But the thing is...

You are not devalued

even if the woman next to you appears to be perfect

You are not devalued

if your sisters are achieving greatness

You are always of value

If you value you. 

Take a look in the mirror and see yourself a little clearer 

What type of women do you speak up for?

A Recollection : Sincerely, me.Where stories live. Discover now