What it is like being a girl.

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People can be really judgemental when it comes to girls

They oftentimes think why some of us really overly pay too much attention to our body and physical appearances, 

when we should be burying our heads in books. Be more than a perfect body with a pretty hairdo

I wouldn't say they are wrong, they are not. Not entirely. Because I used to be one of those people

Until I stepped out and look a little deeper, 

I heard guys say things like, 

She's so much better than my ex. 


I wanna do her someday


She looks fat but she got boobs and damn that ass

Funny thing is, I never grew up thinking of those things said by guys. 

Call me naive but when I thought of boys, at least this isn't what my bedtime stories told me. 

I thought about going to dinner dates, 

finding my soulmates, 

sharing experiences and mixtapes,

being loved. Not because of. Or despite. 

Just simply being loved. 

Not being objectified or simply being overlooked just so you could get in between my thighs. 

This breaks my heart for every girl growing up thinking the same way as me in this world. 

Instead of, are you feeling okay? How was your day?  messages, 

we get, You up? Wanna come over? 

I. We. are not an object. 

Do not assume that I belong to you or in your bedroom. 

I belong in a conference room. 

I belong to work alongside you

I belong to speak out my voice.

I belong to be paid the same way as you do. 

People who think that girls nowadays are shallow, you better think again

it is because us girls are held under a microscope day-to-day. 

We are not allowed to wear certain clothes,

We are not allowed to study hard because why? Guys will feel intimidated, 

they say things like, don't work too hard at school. There's no use. You will be a housewife someday.  Besides no guys like smart girls. 

Oh please. 

The moment you misidentified everything was when you all forgot that not even a hundred years ago, us girls and women are not allowed to vote. 

Look at what happens when you are trying to downgrade the same being that brought you into this world. 

Because what is the point of fighting for equality if I'm not going to use it wisely. 

Equality is not just about being heard. 

Equality is when people know your worth. 

That my brother and male family members know that I am equal to him. 

Equality is education. 

Equality is truth

Equality is strong voices 

Equality is breaking through glass barriers. 

Equality is raising the next generation with not only does their voice matter, but it will be heard. 

We will not sit back and look pretty and smile while certain people are supporting rules to being fertile.

We will not stop the fight. 

Until we hold our true equal rights.

And this is what it is like being a girl. 

A Recollection : Sincerely, me.Where stories live. Discover now