The Unknown Couple 💛Chapter 1

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Bold is James
Bold and Italic is Aaliyah

This is part of a series
Chapters are short btw

        I think Liyah knows I'm annoyed, she keeps looking over at me with a frown. Her face is too pretty for that frown. I turn my head "Ali I'm fine I'm not mad or annoyed" i really am, i saw how Jack looked at her, he won't ever get close enough to hurt her "i promise." She smiles and kisses my cheek "Okay i just had to make sure you're alright you know. Turn that frown upside down" I smile at her and bump shoulders, unknown to me is how some of the girls in our class watching us. Watching Liyah, with jealousy in their eyes.
    The bell rings and she's packing up her stuff cause i can see her from the corner of my eye while I'm talking with Elijah. She picks her backpack up and is walking towards me, i turn around to greet her but she's greeted by Kyle before she can get to me. Liyah is smiling and punching him, while responding to whatever he's saying to her. Elijah (my best friend well other than Aaliyah) is looking at me funny," alright mr protective eyes back here, they're just talking so you can calm it down." I shake my head an smile "i didn't say anything, Jesus Elijah always assuming stuff. You think I'm jealous of Kyle whatever he's got nothing that i could be jealous of." Aaliyah taps my shoulder and Elijah looks at me with a raised eyebrow, she looks at both of us confused. "What are y'all talking about? Cause i think i missed a bit cause i stopped to talk to Kyle which he's so different from last year you know." I nod my head trying to seem interested in the fact that's she's talking about Kyle,which he's still a douchebag who's trying to get into her pants.  Smiling and nodding to her story, i start walking towards the entrance of school waits for her. "Hey James, where's Ali?" Says Elizabeth with Sebastian standing behind her, I'm surprised they aren't together yet. I shrug and nod towards the stairs "i think she got stopped by someone who wanted to talk but if y'all need to get to class I'll walk her there cause we've got the same class"  as i say that she comes walking down the stairs luckily only with Sam by her side not Kyle just Sam. Sam is Ali's best friend and you could say that we at least like each other enough to not fight and can be the others presence. Aaliyah jumps down the last two steps and hops over to me with Sam taking her time behind her, "Why'd you leave me James?" I shrug my shoulders and she frowns but quickly replaces it with a smile," okay just wanted to check, so my dear James what is on our schedule today?" I wrap my arm around her shoulders and she leans into me, "well my dear Aaliyah i believe that we have art next and then you have weights and i have English. We do have lunch together and i wanted to know if you'd come get Wendy's with me like usual?" She looks up at me and smiles, nodding of course "i would love to go to Wendy's James only if i can buy for myself." I immediately shake my head cause there's no way I'm gonna let her pay not this time, not ever. Cause what kinda man would i be if i let my girl pay for everything, well she isn't my girl but I'm still not going to let her pay. But in the back of my head i know she's stubborn enough and gonna end up paying for herself anyways no matter what i say

I watch as James a wraps his arm around her shoulders and pulls her closer and i can see how Aaliyah snuggles closer into his side. I can't hear what they're talking about but it's good enough to actually put a genuine smile on his face. It'll be super funny when they fall though because the ice is slick and they'll both go down like a Jenga tower. Oh i see James lose his footing and fall down and hasn't let go of Liyah so she's goin down too. James hits the floor first and luckily cushions Aaliyah's drop, wrapping his arms around her so she land on top. Which is very sneaky Mr. James very sneaky. Sebastian and Elizabeth are snickering in the back ground and James is wincing while pushing himself up and pulling Aaliyah up after he's regained some balance. She's giving him the look that is saying she freaking out on the inside, once we start walking towards the art building again and they're a bit behind us i can hear them talking. James saying "I'm fine Liyah i promise " and her replying "are you sure you fell hard and i landed on you, plus you got all muddy", both of us can hear the guilt in her voice. He smiles down at her and wraps an arm around her shoulder, leans down and whispers something in her ear. Whatever it was it makes her light up and hug him and move towards Elizabeth excitedly. James is looking at her like i lovesick puppy so i slow down and walk by him. "So you really like her don't you?" He sputters out a high pitched "what?!" Smirking i shrug " you both are incredibly oblivious to what everyone thinks which is, that you guys won't admit your feelings for one another. You aren't exactly subtle when you glare at any guy in her vicinity." He shakes his head like I'm lying about it, he's an oblivious idiot.
All the sudden I'm falling i didn't even notice that there was ice underneath my feet. I collide with a body and we end up in a huge heap on the sidewalk. I hear James voice above my head " Liyah you alright?" I just slowly groan and nods my head "yeah i think I'm good" I push's myself up and James helps a bit and i lose my balance for a second and he holds onto me. Afterwards we walk carefully to the snow. He wraps a shoulder around me and hums softly. I smile softly and snuggle into his side, i wish he'd like me and i could finally put a label on us and it'd be good you know. But i can be happy with this for a bit.


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