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James is Bold
Aaliyah is Italic

Acts like they're dying when they have a cold?
Liyah most definitely, i dunno why cause she will feel fine if something that she likes requires her not to be sick.
That's so rude! i do not when i'm sick i'm miserable i don't know when you think you've seen me act that way. in any case he's totally the dramatic one all moaning and groaning and acting likes its the end of the world wont get up for anything so James is the dramatic one when it comes to stuff like that
Lies is all she tells i am to dramatic don't believe a word she says.

Gets mad at the tv and throws the remote?
Oh my god you should see us together we both have pretty short tempers and being involved in the tv show it gets loud and we've gotten a noise complaint once. it wasn't too bad though, honestly i think i'm the worst one.
She's not wrong we both get involved and loud she's just cares way more about characters so i'm the one who deals with the after affects of her throwing the remote she's broken two of them already. Although i do have to carry her to bed after she's cried herself out or just plain old falls asleep She loves Diego more than me
He's not completely wrong i love him a lot but Diego is truly beautiful

Gets the worst road rage?
Me obviously cause she don't drive around very often she's really into just messing with the radio and having the perfect music and she thinks my music taste is "pretty shit i'd expect from being with me for a year and a half you'd gain some taste" those are her exact words when she does drive though she's nervous and she always apologizes and most of the time she is not responsible for what happen. i've seen her cry and that just gives me road rage and i'm not even driving seeing her angry on the road though is truly an experience
He's not wrong at all. He's pretty funny while angry i have quite a few videos of him angry and shouting or just pictures of his angry face. He's cute when he's pissed so i'm okay not to drive cause if i get to see this every time that is just fine with me . Don't tell him i said that though
Ali i can hear you we are in the same room answering questions.

Spends too much time in the bathroom on their phone
Me obviously who else likes to get some work done or play some games in there it's not a crime okay i've done nothing wrong
Mhm sure she's in there for wayyy too long just like she's in the shower for too long especially when we have somewhere to be shortly its really annoying

Packs the whole closet for an overnight trip
Aaliyah (they say in unison)
it's no debate she complain about laundry after too it's ridiculous and sad
i am hurt i thought you loved me James what happened to us (acts fakely hurt) it's true but the extra part was unneeded

Hates the in laws
i don't really hate anyone really more of an annoyance his are alright
She's lying she most definitely hates them absolutely jus because they get all up into her space and she hates that i actually don't mind my in laws

Hits the snooze button 11 times
Totally me just cause i'm tired from being up all night organizing while he's out like a light
Not me and probably her just because she's not a morning person at all and the number of times i've dodged a speaker or whatever is in reach cause i begged her too early which means about one in the afternoon
He's not completely wrong but i'm not that bad and i've only thrown pillows alright

Makes the other late for work
Meeeee of course why let him leave when i can just cuddle in bed for years don't tell him that i know
Once again Ali i'm in the same room
Whatever anyways he likes to stay in bed with me and he knows it cause it's nice and he looks so handsome in the morning and i don't wanna let him go
Yeah gotta agree cause she has work an hour or two after me so unless i have the day out she's making me late to work. Not too excited about it always.

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