Story #1

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Bold is James
Bold Italic is Aaliyah

Mature content

" you can't sleep yet, kid I need you to stay awake"

She's running through the dead branches that cover the ground she can hear him behind her. "Ali!" she can hear him screaming ahead, her legs are so tired.
We should have never gone inside it was too dangerous. I'm scared so so scared I can see Jamie running ahead of me. He keeps getting farther away. It feels like I've been running forever but I can see my jeep in the distance so close yet so far. Jamie reaches it first pulling open door and getting in waving for me through the window for me to hurry. A loud shot rings through the trees, Jamie's eyes go wide. I know the old man the owner of the house is way behind me, he must have had a gun. I feel the world slowly come to a stop as I bring my hand that had automatically covered the place where the pain is radiating from. It's covered in blood ruby red blood that's mine. I look up towards Jamie as he scrambles to get out of the jeep. It feels like time resumes as my legs crumble beneath me. I can feel the branches on the ground digging into my back and suddenly Jamie's over me looking into my eyes and I can see his mouth moving but I can't hear the words he's saying. Slowly I can begin to hear him " Ali, Ali oh god. Hey look at me, you've got to stay awake. You can't leave me not now okay.".   I slowly nod my head "Yeah i-i think I can do that."  He smiles shakily and moves to pick me up but I whimper and pain shoots through my side as he does. A look of panic is slowly etching itself onto his face. "Where does it hurt?" he asks slowly point to my side. He lifts my shirt up and sighs softly. "Hey Hey pay attention " as my head slightly has dropped to the side " I'm going to get the first aid kit," he says softly moving my head back to face him. "Y-You'll be okay I promise I said ice cream after right "  I watch him get up and run off to the jeep and digging through and grabbing blankets and he rushes back. I cough up some blood and I see he's trying to be calm and not freak out. "Jamie you won't let me die right?"   I asked wheezing slightly. He looks over and he moves a piece of hair outta my face. " you'll be just fine you hear me just fine'" his pretty brown eyes, and soft brown hair, he's my best friend my everything. I'm fading in and out my head filled with static . he notices me slowly losing consciousness. Pulling my upper half into his lap and my head close to his chest. " y-you can't sleep yet kid i need you to stay awake " i can see him struggle to put a smile on.
I see her laugh a little only for her to cough badly after " you know i've always hated that nickname."  she smiles weakly , softly punching me . i reply " you used to frown and stomp your foot like a child so it only proved my point." she coughs again spitting up more blood her eyelids lowering slightly, i can feel the tears start to build up. " ali i-i love you, i always have, i'm gonna take you on a jeep ride to where ever you want and we c-can watch Space Jam and i won't complain alright" she tries to shake and quietly, so quiet and i lean down to hear her " we both know that's not going to happen" i can feel the tears start to fall " i want you to bury my jordans with me alright that's my only wish yeah" and her hand raising and wipes a tear from under my eye. I can hear thee sirens in the distance. " don't you dare close those eyes okay don't you dare do that to me, i need you, i don't know what id do without you." i stammered. She smiled, showing off her blood stained teeth "remember when you broke your arm and you punched my shoulder and w-wrapped an arm around me while i was crying, not even worried about you. I realized you were my best friend that you are my best friend." i nod smiling "its one of my favorite memories you know, you've always here for me always" the sirens close now and she whispers to me " james it's cold as hell , do you feel it?" i start to cry a little harder "no no i can't feel it let me warm you up alright" her eyes closing as i take my jacket off i drape it over her " here you warm enough liyah cause i can get so-" she opens her eyes a bit  so i can see that pretty caramel eyes, ones that looked at me everyday sometimes a bit red with anger, or soft brown when shes happy. " oh j by the way i love you too ya know. I do and i always will. Can you promise something for me" i interrupt and kiss her with all my heart pouring into it, trying to show how much i love her how much i've always loved her and i feel her hand's reach up into my hair. I pull away and she  keeps her hands on to the sides of my face and quietly says" i need you to bury my nikes with me" and smiles as brightly as she could .
"I need you to move on after me baby. Please i don't need you to be a grumpy old lonely man alright i love you too much for that" he sobs quietly and nods "you aren't going anywhere okay nowhere" he shakes his head " i'll always love you jamie forever and forever" i smile after to get him to smile back but he just cries harder. I'll miss him for sure."cmon james smile for me" he sobs and shakes his head , but slowly smiles as best as he can just for me. "It's getting cold james real cold, i'm so stereotypical right" he holds me close and i put a hand on his cheek "it'll be okay i promise"
She's smiling and looks up and puts her hand on my cheek "it'll be okay i promise." how could it be okay the love of my life is dying in my arms . where's the goddamn ambulance. I can hear the tires, she's drifting off eyes already closed," hey liyah! Hey hey no no no no stay with me please! Please baby i can't live without you i can't do it."i manage to to get out . "i love you ja-" she stops those caramel eyes losing their life, the soft smile gracing her face fades away, the hand on my cheek falls away and lands on her side. " Aaliyah! Aaliyah! No no no no no no!" i yell breaking off into sobs . i can hear the cars pull up behind me and doors slamming, feet crunching through the sticks and dead leaves.  They all seem so distant, so far away. Feeling a hand land on my should i flinch away and hold her closer to me "y-you're late. You're late! You got here too slow." i croak out. He nods and backs off not before saying "you've got to move her though son" i slowly lift her up trying not to hurt her. Shed be kicking at me right now saying ' the last time we did his you flippin dropped me!' and i'd smile and fake drop her getting a scream outta her and then feeling her punch my shoulder a second after. I walk towards the ambulance slowly ignoring paramedics shrugging them off as they get too close and lay her down softly on the gurney inside the ambulance and sliding in beside her, moving the piece of hair that feel back off her face. It's not fair she didn't deserve this she was too good, too good for me . i can hear people talking outside saying 'poor kid had her die in his arms','she lost a lot of blood', and a quiet whisper of 'we have to get him out of there, away from her'. Luckily i hear the others out there responding no and relief flooded through me . i couldn't leave her here alone she'd hate that she'd hate me for that. I never should have took off running before her, i should be laying her not her, it never should have been her.
3rd person
Jamie and aaliyah were in love too scared to admit it, they paid the price in a way for it, a terrible terrible price. As they are now forever separated. Jamie blamed himself, but kept the promise he made that night. Married a woman named kenya and had two daughters Aaliyah, and JJ. he loved both dearly til the day he died. He never fellout of love with his liyah, she continued to be his everything. At his funeral Aaliyah, his daughter, made a eulogy that said
    "My dad was the kindest man. He was in pain but made the best of it. Im named after the woman he loved first, the one that always had a huge space in his heart. He only began to tell us stories in his older days, always saying it was too painful to remember, telling s the memories he held so dear, they were always meant to be but realized too late. He'd never talk about what happened that night. He kept her picture in his wallet and nightstand, celebrated her birthday every year, he remembered her as if she was still there. Sadly as he got older he began to forget things, mistaking me for her and walking i only for my father burst into tears and apologize profusely after i'd tell him my name. I hope they are finding each other up there, laughing and dancing . i'm glad she was always there even if he couldn't see her and sometimes he did murmuring to himself things like "don't call me james, you know its not my name liyah" and those quiet nights when we were little when me and JJ snuck into the living room to see him sitting quietly with two glasses set out staring straight ahead as if in a trance. Sometimes he stopped during the day and looked at her picture, one he found on her phone after she, um, died of her smiling brightly at the camera with her hair up and flowers sprinkled all over,softly smiling and remembering and wiping tears away before he continued on past it. He tried to never be angry but as every normal person he had his days, but he never raised his voice . he told us why he never did and i quote 'she hated when people yelled at others in anger she never wanted anyone to feel bad and sometimes she put herself as blame so i promised her i'd never raise my voice' . i never doubted that he loved me and i never will i do know that she meant everything to him and i couldn't ask him to pick who to love, he loved my mother dearly too. She knew she'd never compare but she most definitely loved her so much or he wouldn't of stayed. He was  my biggest fan and JJ's biggest supporter til the very end, always excited and cheering at every basketball game, softball game, dance recital, even during our tea parties. He didn't recognize us sometimes as he got older but we got to hear stories of us when we were younger and how proud he was to have two beautiful daughters who love him as much as he loves us. He loved us just as he loved her with all his heart and endlessly. That's all i could ask for in a father and he succeeded in that went above and beyond you could say. He's all i ever wanted and all i've ever known and it'll be hard without him . but he's up there having a blast and i'm glad he finally got that cause he truly deserves it." not a dry eye in that building after her speech, with people  crying and smiling and talking to each other about their special memories with him. In the end his grave was right next to hers and his daughters next to him when their time came. This story doesn't have a happy ending but thats okay sometimes because life isn't always happy, we have our sad and our angry. It's the good ones that make it count in the end, how our actions in life tell our story after. Aaliyah and Jamie , fate separated them in the beginning but in the end that terrible night brought something good and it united them all to make something beautiful. Something that is stronger than any other bond, family.

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