Chapter 20

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The rescue party, at long last, arrived at the circus grounds. Crouched on a small hill overlooking the big top, all five dogs glanced up at a tree that Snowball had somehow gotten himself in. His paws formed into circles around his eyes like binoculars, the white rabbit surveyed the area. The wind played around with his ears and golden cape. "You see anything?" Daisy asked, her voice quiet. Lowering his handmade binoculars, Snowball replied, "I just found where the animals are being kept. They're off to the right." Jumping down from the tree, he added, "Seems all clear too."

"I don't know about that. There might be the wolves prowling around," Daisy pointed out, adjusting the mask on her face. The four dogs that had accompanied the two superheroes didn't understand why there was a need to be decked up in costumes. Clearing his throat, Max murmured, "Guess we'll have to be careful and watch our six."

"We have to be very-" Rooster was saying but was cut off by a loud crunch. Everyone turned their heads to find Duke eating a bag of potato chips. Seeing the looks on their faces, the Newfoundland mix mumbled with food in his mouth, "What? I was hungry." Before anyone else could say a word, they all heard the pack of wolves Sergei owned howling in the distance. Sighing heavily, Rooster finished his sentence, "Quiet..."

"Where'd you even get a bag of chips?!" Max growled quietly at Duke, who put his paws up in defense.

Rubbing his chin thoughtfully, Snowball mumbled, "Right, we need to think of something and fast. Luckily for all of you, Captain Snowball here has a plan." Raising one eyebrow as she glanced sideways at the white rabbit standing to her left, Gidget asked, "Did you just refer to yourself in third person?"

"Right, how bout Captain Snowball, Max, Gidget and I head on down to get the tigress free while Rooster and Clumsy Butt stay and keep a lookout?" Daisy suggested. Duke's face turned into one of shock in a matter of seconds. He opened his mouth to say something but Rooster quickly covered it as he replied, "That sounds like a good plan for me." Max and Gidget were adding their agreement to the Shih Tzu's plan too, nodding their heads and murmuring comments. Crossing his arms, Snowball muttered, "My plan was much better..."

"What were you going to do? Blow up the whole circus?!" Max retorted as he and the rabbit followed the girls down the hill. Going down in the stealthiest way he could possibly pull off, Snowball whispered back, "At least it didn't take me a couple of years to notice that someone was in love with me." His ears pinned against his head, the Jack Russell terrier muttered, "That's a little hurtful..." Staying by the tree as they watched the group head down to save the tigress, Duke glanced over at Rooster. Seeing how he was sitting, the Newfoundland mix decided to try it. He held his head high and puffed his chest out as far as it would go. Wearing a serious face, the mutt asked, "How's this?"

"I'm afraid you'll break your back if you go any farther," Rooster informed Duke after stealing a look. Getting to his paws, the Welsh sheepdog added on, "You go left, I go right. Howl if there's any trouble and don't cause any trouble." Watching the other dog walk away, Duke deflated himself, collapsing on the ground with a huff.

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