Chapter 26

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Screaming at the top of his lungs as he raced after Max and Daisy with two wolves on his tail, Snowball cried, "Come on legs! Do something!" One wolf lunged forward, snapping at the rabbit with gaping jaws. He luckily missed. Terrified, the white rabbit forced himself to run even faster, even outpacing Max and Daisy. Glancing over at the Shih Tzu dressed up as a superhero beside him, Max asked, "Got any ideas Sergeant Daisy?!"

"How bout run for your life Tiny Dog?!" Snowball shouted from where he was hopping over some car tires. Max and Daisy raced around the tires. Thinking fast, Max kicked one into the direction of the wolves. It hit one in the legs, causing them to fall. The other wolf tripped over them. Proud that his plan had worked, Max turned to find the other two wolves standing in front of them. And they didn't seem to happy. The lead wolf, part of a broken flowerpot on his head like a hat of sorts, snarled venomously, "So... we meet again."

"Sorry, I don't know you or anybody here," Max replied quickly, his fur standing on end. The wolves growled at him, surrounding the Jack Russell terrier on all sides. Shaking slightly, Max mustered all the courage he could and barked at them. Of course, that proved futile. Snickering, the lead wolf sneered, "Any other tricks little doggie?"

"How bout you leave him alone?" Rooster's voice called. A moment later, two barrels came rolling down, each one knocking out a pair of wolves. Sliding down the ramp nearby, the Welsh sheepdog ran by and barked, "Come on!" Not needing any further invitation, Max raced alongside Rooster and cried, "Thank you!"

"Save that for when we get out of here!" Rooster replied.

"Guys, over here!" Duke howled, sprinting past with a blue parrot flying after him, occasionally landing a sharp peck to the mutt's head. Recalling how the alarm sounded like it had come from a parrot or some other kind of bird, Max sighed heavily as he muttered, "Duke, what have you done now-"

A gunshot rang through the air.

"RUN!" Snowball and Daisy called from where they were standing on top of a nearby hill. The three dogs raced towards them. Together, the group fled the scene just as Sergei stormed into view, holding his pistol. He was about to take another shot but when he saw that no one was in the area, he angrily hid it in his coat. Little Sergei was perched on his shoulder, squeaking and pointing frantically at the tiger cage. Seeing that it was empty, the circus owner gritted his teeth. "That's it..." he grumbled, putting two fingers to his lips and whistling sharply. The wolf pack came creeping forward, their heads hanging.

"I want that tiger back alive. Is that understood?" Sergei ordered as he marched towards another cage in the area. Grabbing his ring of keys he found on the ground, he found the key he was going to use and unlocked the door. A grin crept along his face as he added on, "Anyone or anything that gets in your way, bring them here as well. Now go, find them! You too Leo!" When he said that last part, Sergei turned to smile at the animal that had strolled out of its cage.

A moment later, the pack of wolves raced off to pick up a scent while a large male African lion went a different direction, following a different trail.

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