Chapter 50

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"Alright, everyone listen because we're only going to go over this once," Snowball declared. With the wave of one paw towards a large sketchbook set behind him, he explained the queer drawing that adorned the snow white paper in a clear voice, "Our friends, Exhibit A, have been captured by our nemesis Sergei, Exhibit B. They escaped in this car, Exhibit C." As he was going over the details of the situation, he would flip each page to an even weirder looking drawing that was nothing more than scribbles. Sighing heavily, Chloe muttered, "Can't we do this later?" Pops and Tiny were beginning to zone out beside her.

"Guys, focus!" Buddy barked. He gestured for everyone to turn their attention towards Mel, who had set up a 'crime scene' of sorts with some of Liam's toys. Clearing his throat, the pug moved a toy car that had been parked outside their 'apartment building' in one direction while he stated, "So, the circus car went this way-" He wasn't able to finish when Duke suddenly barged through, destroying the 'crime scene' as he exclaimed, "I think I'm onto something!" Tail lashing, Chloe hissed, "Yeah, our crime scene!" Sweetpea chirped harshly at the giant mutt. Leaning towards Tiny and Norman, Pops whispered, "I'm confused. Are we gonna be attacked by a monster like Godzilla or something?"

Getting the sense that he wasn't wanted in the area while the others tried to pick up where they had left off, Duke lumbered over to Max, who was sitting on the couch. Katie's grandmother was out in the kitchen making cookies, still unable to find her glasses and completely oblivious to the fact that there were a bunch of animals and no Liam in the apartment. Sitting down on the floor beside the couch, the Neewfoundland mix tilted his head to the side as he asked, "Hey, you alright man?"

"I'm so worried and scared for Gidget," Max mumbled, his head hanging and ears drooping. He sniffled a little before wiping his nose with his paw and continuing, "I never got a chance to tell her how I felt. You should've heard her calling for me." The Jack Russell terrier closed his eyes, Gidget's voice ringing in his ears. Biting his lip, Duke pointed out, "She's in Brooklyn at the circus grounds. Remember?" He had been trying to cheer up his brother. However, he received an empty stare from the smaller dog. Noting to himself that he was terrible at giving advice, the mutt soghed and murmured, "Well... remember what Rooster told you. Take a deep breath and let it out slowly." Both dogs did it in sync with each other. Looking Max in the eye, Duke reassured him, "We will get Gidget, Rooster, Liam wherever he is and all our friends back. I have faith in you and, sadly, the psychotic rabbit."

"Hey!" Snowball shouted, hearing that last part.

"Thanks Duke. You're the best brother in the world," Max expressed his gratitude to the much larger dog. Smiling bashfully, the Newfoundland mix replied, "Aw, thank you." Hopping down from the couch, the Jack Russell terrier headed over to his bed, where his bandana from Rooster was laying. Picking it up and slipping it over his head, he held his tail high. Turning to face the others, he hopped up onto the coffee table and announced, "Okay guys, here's the plan..."

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