Chapter 55

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"Max! Duke!" Rooster's voice called out from above. Running for their lives from two of the wolves now, the Jack Russell terrier and the Newfoundland mix glanced up to see the Welsh sheepdog racing along the rooftops of some train cars that belonged to the circus. The country dog tossed his head to the left. Noticing a train car with its sidedoors open, Max and Duke raced inside. The two wolves raced in after them, only to get a shovel to the face. Knocking the pair unconscious, the brothers put down the shovels and dashed out. Rooster hopped down from the train car roof.

"Are you okay?" Max asked Rooster as the three dogs reunited. Nodding his head, the Welsh sheepdog noted, "I see you're enjoying the bandana I gave ya." The two dogs chuckled softly at that, Duke joining in. However, their good times were interrupted by a loud roar. The trio whirled around. About three yards away from them was a large grizzly bear with two blue bows next to her ears. Duke instantly recognized Tina, his tail wagging and his face lighting up. His teeth bared, Rooster barked at her. Max's fur bristled as he growled. Seeing the threat, Tina roared again before charging. "You two get out of here!" Rooster ordered, pinning his ears back, "I'll deal with this."

All if the sudden, Rooster and Max were shocked to see Duke get in front of them. "I got this," the mutt murmured, standing his ground as Tina came closer. "What are you doing?! You're gonna get yourself killed!" Rooster barked. He tried to get the Newfoundland mix to move but Duke merely stayed put, being much heavier than the Welsh sheepdog. Gently shoving the country dog aside, he kept his eyes on the grizzly bear charging at him. Frightened, Max covered his eyes. The bear was almost there.

At the last second, Duke let out a bark. It wasn't threatening though, more like a bark one used to greet a friend. Her eyes lighting up, Tina screeched to a halt, her snout about a few centimeters from the large mutt's face. Sniffing him, she made a chuffing noise. Smiling quietly, the Newfoundland mix whispered, "Hi Tina." The grizzly bear responded quickly, licking the dog's face. Rooster and Max watched in dead silence before the Welsh sheepdog murmured, "What am I seeing right now?"

"Gidget!" Max yelped, remembering the fluffy white Pomeranian. He hadn't seen her anywhere yet. The Jack Russell terrier raced back towards the Big Top. Duke and Rooster followed him, Tina right alongside them. They were joined up by Snowball. Arriving at the large tent, they were greeted by Sergei holding Gidget in one hand and a gun in the other. Next to him, a large gorilla pounded its fists against its broad chest.

"Big Sergei," Sergei sneered, "Get them."

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