Chapter 37

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Roaring in pain, Leo lifted his gaze just as Tiberius dived down with open talons. The hawk latched down on the lion's muzzle and head, attacking with his beak, wings and talons. Leo tried to swat him with his giant paws but couldn't land a blow. Frightened out of her mind, Gidget raced up the wooden ramp and safely got to the second floor. She hid in a dark corner, praying she wouldn't be found. Hearing the roars and screeches down below, she couldn't help but sneak a peek at what was going on.

By the looks of things, Tiberius seemed to have the upper hand in the battle. Pulling himself away from Leo, the old hawk grabbed a sheet that was laying on the ground and tossed it over the lion's head, obscuring his vision. While the big cat struggled to tear the sheet off, the hawk grabbed a can of paint and flew off with it, hovering over his opponent. Releasing his hold, he dropped it on Leo's head. The lion collapsed on the ground, blinking his golden eyes.

Flying as fast as he could before Leo could recover, Tiberius went to grab another can of paint. At the same time, Gidget realized that the big cat was up on his feet and leaping. "Tiberius, look out!" she howled, jumping to her feet. However, it was too late as Leo whacked the old hawk out of the air. Crashing against a shelf, Tiberius didn't have time to get up as a heavy looking box fell over and landed on his left wing. The hawk screeched in agony. Panic gripping her in an ice cold hand, Gidget looked around frantically, trying to think of something. Meanwhile, Leo was approaching the old hawk. Growling softly, he snarled, "Leo's hungry."

"Someone needs to learn their grammar," Tiberius muttered, rolling his eyes. He tried to move but his wing was caught under the heavy box. All the while, Leo crept closer and closer. He was about to pounce when Gidget let out a war cry and jumped on his head. She whacked one of his golden eyes with her small paw, causing the massive lion to roar in pain. Swinging his head about, he managed to shake off the Pomeranian. Grabbing a wooden board, Gidget threw it at the big cat. While he rubbed his eyes, she moved the box off Tiberius's wing and helped him up to his feet. A snarl from Leo was their only warning before the lion launched himself at them. He swiped his paw, trying to hit one of them. However, he only succeeded in making a hole in the wall. The outside world could be seen.

"Let's get out of here!" Gidget cried, pushing Tiberius towards the hole. Once he was through, she followed him just as Leo snapped his jaws at her. The lion missed, only getting a tuft of fur from her tail. Crawling out the hole, the Pomeranian accidentally bumped into the old hawk. The next thing they knew, they were rolling down a rocky hill. Alone in the dark warehouse, Leo spat out the white fur he had in his mouth. Sniffing it, his eyes lit up. A grin slowly creeped along his face as he sniffed it again, memorizing the scent.

Lifting his head and padding over to the doors, Leo purred, "Leo has a plan..."

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