Chapter 49

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Hearing the car screech outside, Duke opened the door to Liam's bedroom, allowing everyone who had hid to file out. They were welcome to a knocked over coffee table and an unconscious Max. Hu was beginning to come around while Snowball, Gidget, Daisy, Rooster, Laohu and the wolves were nowhere in sight. Putting the disappearance and the car together, some of the pets raced over to the open window. Sure enough, they found a circus car parked outside. Sergei and a fellow worker were loading Laohu and a blacked out Rooster into the back. The wolves climbed in while Gidget and Daisy, both in cages, were put up front with the two men. The car sped away.

"This is so not good..." Mel murmured. Chloe nodded her head in agreement with the pug.

"Hu, what are you doing?" Buddy asked. All eyes turned towards the white tiger. Having had watched Laohu being placed into the back of the circus car, a sense of bravery stirred within the big cat. Clambering out the open window, he trotted down the fire escape. "HU! NO! Come back!" Chloe yowled while Sweetpea flew down and grabbed his tail. However, the parakeet only succeeded in pulling out a few strands of black and white fur. Reaching the bottom, Hu took off running after the circus car. Popping his head from a box of styrofoam peanuts he had landed in, Snowball cried, "Hu, come back!"

"Ow my head..." Max muttered, blinking his eyes open. Seeing everyone by the window, he mumbled, "What just happened?" Turning to face the Jack Russell terrier, Duke informed him, "Max, Sergei's got a hold of everyone, Rooster and Gidget included." Max's heart plummeted.


Walking alone along the sidewalk while avoiding as many people as possible, Tiberius sighed softly. His mind was in the clouds as he thought about his life choices. Part of him wished that he had stayed with Gidget a little longer. It had been so long since he had a social interaction with someone other than the occasional mouse he found when he went looking for food in the trash, that of course would become the meal instead. He wanted to have someone to trust and call a friend but that seemed to be in short supply these days.

Out on a street where there were hardly any people, Tiberius looked both ways before deciding to cross the road. At that moment, a circus car came out of nowhere and almost ran him over. Jumping out of the way, the old hawk shouted, "Watch where you're going psychopath!" Getting back to his feet, he was about to continue on his way when he heard a howl from the circus car. It sounded like Gidget. Watching as the car turned right, Tiberius could see two men inside. The one who was driving was dressed in black while the passenger was holding two cages, one on top of the other. The cage on the top had a familiar looking Pomeranian inside. Then the car disappeared out of sight. Hearing running footsteps, the old hawk had to jump out of the way again when a large white tiger came racing by, hot on the trail of the circus car.

Shocked by what he had just seen, Tiberius mumbled, "Gidget..." The hawk found himself left with two choices. He could either continue walking or go save her. Taking a step back, he was about to just forget what he had seen when he happened to look down at his broken wing and the handmade sling Gidget had made for him. Nearby, he saw a puddle of water. In it, he could see his reflection and the scar over his left eye. His mind made up, he looked around, trying to form a plan. His eyes landed on a motorcycle.

Heading towards it, Tiberius muttered, "Hang on Gidget..."

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