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Me: Today we are reacting to Romoine. I personally don't ship this but I am a major multi shipper. Sink!

Harry: Who is the ship?

Hermoine: *blush* I think its Ron and I together.

Voldemort: Why should I care about them!

Me: Just ship or sink it or else I will break your wand in half!!

Harry: I can see it although I'm not sure if I ship it, I don't want to be a third wheel.

Ron: Ship it!!

Hermoine: Um... I'm not sure... were kind of like siblings right now..

George: ooh that must-

Fred:- Really sting. We think Hermoine

George:- deserves better.

Ginny: Ship it!

Voldemort: Ship it, then Potter will be alone😈

Lucius: Sink, as much as I hate it the Weasels are still Purebloods.

Draco: I agree, Sink!

Snape: I don't ship students of mine.

Me: Well you do now or I'll tell them your real middle name 'Tobias'.

Snape: Well, I'll say sink, I don't want lovey stuff in my classroom.

Lily: I can see it

James: Really, thats cliche. Sink!

Sirius: No, just no. Sink!

Remus: I can see them together, ship!

Me: We had 15 votes. 9 sinks, 1 nuetral, and 5 ships

What do you guys think? Sink or Ship?

Harry Potter characters react to shipsWhere stories live. Discover now