Deumbridge/ Deumb*tch

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Elements210: Hi again! Today I won't tell you what were doing, you have to guess!

Hermoine: We have already done Romoine, Viktor and I, Dramoine, and Hinny.

Ron: You have to at least tell us 1 of em'.

Elements210: Nope!

Ron: Bloody hell, this will take forever!

Elements210: Oh fine, Umb*tch or Umbridge or Trevors mom!

Harry: How about no! I hate that woman!

Draco: She deserves the best, getting rid of filthy half-breeds.

Draco: *Tries to talk but can't*

Elements210: Unfortunatly certain people will have to leave today.

Draco signed out
Lucius signed out
Severus signed out
Voldemort signed out

Fred: Can we

George: ship her with

Fred: Voldemort? They

George: would be good

Fred: Together.

Ron: Or a toad.

Harry: I agree. She can go kiss a dementor!

Elements210: Exactly! Good job Harry! Today we are shipping Deumbridge or Dementor X Umbridge!

Elements210: And I... SHIP! SHIP! SHIP!

Hermoine: As much as I wouldn't want this on anyone.. Ship!

Harry: I love this ship! So, SHIP!

Ron: She hurt my friend, Ship!

Fred: Well we

George: Certaintly like

Fred: this!

George: Ship! Ship!

Fred: Ship! Ship!

Sirius: *laughing uncontrollably* You may not be so bad after all. Ship!

Me: Why thank you!

Me: I'm going to end this here since everyone is unanimous.

What do you think? Sink or Ship?

SHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Harry Potter characters react to shipsWhere stories live. Discover now