Victor Krum X Hermoine

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Me: Today we are doing Victor Krum and Hermoine. It's not my favorite but Ship.

Hermoine: Why me again?!

Me: Because you're used online alot now go!

Hermoine: Well I sort of liked him but we don't talk too much anymore. He was nice though so ship.

Ron: Sink, he was trying to get information!

Hermoine: Shut up *hits him with book*

Harry: Well, he was really nice to Hermoine so Ship!

Ron: Seriously *get hit with book again* Ow!

Voldemort: I don't care what happens to a half-blood and mu-

Me: Tom Riddle how dare you cuss, and you yourself are a half-blood!

Voldemort: How dare you call me that name!

Me: Do you ship or sink it?!

Voldemort: fine, Sink!

Draco: Sink

Lucius: Victor deserves better.

Hermoine, Harry, Ron, and me: Hey!

Me: Hurry up guys, were supposed to finish soon, I want to read!

Hermoine: Me too!

Ron: Seriously Mione'

Harry: Come on

Draco: Shut up Potter!

Voldemort: I will kill you!

Remus: Getting back on track, sink!

Sirius: Sink!

Lily: Ship!

James: Sink!

Snape: I don't know one of the brats so I can't say.

Me: Is that everyone?

Fred: Nope you

George: forgot us!

Ginny: and me.

Fred: I sh-

George: ip it!

Ginny: Ship, he seems nice.

Me: Now is that everyone?!

Everyone: Yes

Me: So we have 15 people again. I actually have no clue what this will be so...
7 ships
7 sinks
1 nuetral.

Me: Oh my merlin, this wasn't even planned.

What do you think? Ship or Sink?

Harry Potter characters react to shipsWhere stories live. Discover now