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RagingLesbianFangirl: Hi everyone, and thank you for requesting!

Hermione: ....am I in this one too?

RagingLesbianFangirl: No. But one of your ex-tryout partners is.

James: So that means Victor, Malfoy, or Ron.

Snape: I'm guessing the wealey brat.

RagingLesbianFangirl: Nope!

Hermione: Who would Victor be with? Fluer?

RagingLesbianFangirl: You all need to read up on your fanfictions, huh? Draco is on this ship!!

Draco: Dear death, why me?

RagingLesbianFangirl: Because your a sweet boy with a dark side. Who wouldn't love you?!

Ron: Me!

Hermione: Me!

Snape: Must we even mention I?


RagingLesbianFangirl: AND NO! Not any of you prats! Harry!! OK?!

RagingLesbianFangirl: HarryXDarco! In other words, Drarry!

RagingLesbianFangirl: *Squeals*

Ron: *Bursts out laughing* Sorry mate! *Puts hand on blushing Harrys shoulder*

Lucius: There goes the Malfoy reputation...

Voldemort:...As much as I like the Malfoy reputation. I can so see this. All the fighting. Yep. It's cannon.

RagingLesbianFangirl: Unfortunately not. But it should have been! Who describes their enemy with "beautiful blond locks that the sun bounced off of"

RagingLesbianFangirl: You were cannon oblivious to your sexuality though.

Harry: Hey!!

Draco: I mean... I.....can see it...

Harry: W-Wh-What...?

Harry: I suppose I can too....I mean...I did like you...a lot...

Lucius: If he shuts up about Potter then I'm in.

Bellatrix: It's perfect for my Drakey-poo

Twins: YES!!!

Ron: The torture would be hilarious.

James: My son with a Malfoy...

Lucius: My son with a Potter.

James: Fair point. Ship!

Lily: Yes. Just yes.

Severus: If the complaining of slytherins who know this ship is practically cannon stop. YES PLEASE, I BEG OF YOU!!

RagingLesbianFangirl: Do we even need anybody else to go? It's obvious we all ship it. Is there any need for more.

Everbody: *Looks around* Nope.

RagingLesbianFangirl: Okay. 100% ship. Since we know this, the question isn't ship or sink but.....

Who is top and who is bottom,Why?

Harry Potter characters react to shipsWhere stories live. Discover now