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Elements210:Hello again!

Harry: Whos your victim this time?

Elements210: I am not that bad, but today (although it's still the same day as everything else) we are doing Dramoine!

Hermoine and Draco: WHAT?!

Elements210: What? 😇(🥴)

Ron: People hope they get together?!

Elements210: Actually, a lot of people do. Including me. Ship!

Ron: Bloody Hell, no! Sink!

Harry: What do you think Mione'

Hermoine: um... I have no words.

Draco: Not a mu-

Elements210: *Death glare*

Draco: muggleborn. Sink!

Harry: I actually kind of ship this... sorry Mione'

Draco: What the- What is wrong with you Potter!

Elements210: Nothing, we both ship it.

Luna: I can see this, and so can the nargles. I'll ship it.

Lucius: My son isn't going out with scum.

Hermoine: Hey! Well guess what idiot, I don't care!

Lucius: And not a brat! SINK!!

Severus: Um.. why am I here again

Pansy: H*ll no! Drakey-Poo is mine!

Draco: Shut up Pansy!

George:  I can see

Fred: this, but only

George: for amusement. Sh-

Fred: -ip

James: No. Sink!

Lily: Ship! Ship! Ship!

Remus: I like this, they match and can learn from eachother. Ship!

Sirius: You can not be Sirius!

James: Shut up!

Dramoine fangirls/boys: EEEEE!!!! SHIP!!!!

Hermoine: Please can we continue.

Elements210: I feel like were forgetting someone. Voldemorts unconcious, Ginny is with her mom, but who else?

Elements210: Oh well! Lets go with someone new! Lets see here..

Vernon: Where am I?!

Harry: Uncle Vernon?!

Vernon: If this is more of your freakiness boy-

Elements210: Shut up! You are here to see if you ship Dramione.

Vernon: I don't care about freaks!

Elements210: What did you say *Subtly holding a wand to his throat*

Vernon: Well um.. sink! Freaks deserve to be alone!

Elements210: Okay, thats it.

Elements210 is forcing Voldemort to sign in

Voldemort: What the h*ck!?

Me: Just kill him!

Voldemort: oh---ka--y

Voldemort: Avada Kedavra!!!

Me: Thank you, you may go now. Or we all go.

Me: There were 15 votes,
7 ships
6 sinks
2 neutral

What do you think? Sink or Ship?

Harry Potter characters react to shipsWhere stories live. Discover now