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RagingLesbianFangirl: Hi everybody! Since nobody wants to request anything I thought, 'why not torture their poor brains'

Ron: Bloody hell, I'm guessing it's you mate!

Harry: Please no!

RagingLesbianFangirl: Calm down. One is in the golden trio though.

Ron: It's not me, is it?

RagingLesbianFangirl: Nope. Hermione's turn again.

Hermione: WHY?!

RagingLesbianFangirl:...bc I like you. Deal with it.

Hermione: Who am I with this time?

RagingLesbianFangirl: Since I'm bored, SNAPE!

Snape: *Spits out water & casually grabs vodka and mixes with some*

Snape: What the hell!

Hermione: *Runs to the bathroom and barfs*

Harry:.. people ship this?

Me: Yes, there are fanfictions.

Snape: *Takes out the some and just drinks vodka*

Snape: Yeah no we're done here

RagingLesbianFangirl: No we're not!

Snape: Yes we are. Goodbye. *Magically blocks me from them*

Me: Well... I don't ship this for obvious reason.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2021 ⏰

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