Chapter 12 - A spokesmen at dawn

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I couldn't get much sleep, his words still printed in blood on my brain. I swivelled around and dangled my feet off my bed. Gripping onto my silky cover, I sat there, breathing in and out. I could see the golden morning sun piercing through a split in my curtains. In order to behold the full beauty of this morning weather I opened my curtains. I basically gawked at the array of colours painted across the sky as the sun rose. This was the type of weather that could make you forget everything for the few moments it lasted. It was so calming, I could stare into this paradise forever and every an-

*buzz buzz buzz*

My phone vibrated on my bedside table. I leaned over and pulled it from it's charger thinking that only Mr Boatsy would call this early for a new case.

"Hello?" I said foggily into the phone.

"Clementine? Clementine, Johnson... he's out."
Disbelief. The words through my phone felt like a slam to my head that made me feel delusional.

"Mr Boatsy?" I almost whispered into the phone.

"N-no Clementine. It's me Monty." I was corrected.

I sighed and turned back to my window. "Monty?"

"Yes? Clementine what do we do now?"

I breathed out a chuckle. "Isn't the sky beautiful today? ...Monty."

"What's wrong with you! Didn't you hear me? He's out Clementine! He is out!" Monty repeated but I had sunk into my own world.

"Just so beautiful."

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