Chapter 10 - The warning shot

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We sprinted like cheetahs through the airport escorted by a team of a security guiding us to where the suspect's plane was due to take off at any minute.

"There!" Month pointed through a grey tainted window down towards a small jet with 'Fliegender Luxus 12' printed on its polished side. "That's his flight!"

"Stop the flight!" I screamed as we ran down a flight of stairs and burst through the doors onto the runway.

We're getting getting closer to him, to
Jack-Jack, to the serial killer who left so many innocents dead.

My mind flashed momentarily to the pride mother would feel if I caught this man and felt another surge of energy corse through me as we ran the final stretch to the plane.

Closer and closer, it seemed that I couldn't run fast enough.

We ran behind the tail of the plane. Jack-Jack was there, trying to escape the law.

"Freeze! Freeze or we'll shoot!" Monty called. Jack-Jack started to trying to run up the steps that led to his private jet but his luggage slowed him down immensely.

Regular thoughts clouded by adrenaline, I let a bullet go in no particular direction, focused only on capturing Johnson.



Is what I heard first but what I saw next was a result of my warning shot. Flames started to flicker out of the plane's engine, licking the sides of the plane and growing steadily. I screamed internally for making such a careless mistake and watched in a mixture of disbelief and desperation as smoke started to cloud the windows of the plane from the inside.

The flames were roaring by now, but Jack-Jack still hadn't emerged from the plane.

I started towards the steps.

"Clementine! Don't be so stupid!" Monty called after me but I was already gone, darting up into the plane as thick smoke rolled out of the door.

My eyes felt the smoke first, biting and stinging. My deep breaths pulled smoke into my lungs, choking me. Mother would be so proud of me. I can't let him die. I couldn't see a thing.

"Johnson?" I heard coughing close by. I had taken a few more steps before I felt something under foot that almost made me trip. I knelt down and felt what was underneath me.

"Johnson?" I felt around for an arm and pulled him over my shoulder. More and more smoke crawled inside my lungs. I followed daylight to the plane door while Johnson was violently coughing beside me.

I got to the top of the now singed stairway. I took a few steps downwards and practically tumbled the rest of the way. We landed on the concrete floor, it was only a small way down but it felt like we jumped off a skyscraper. We lay there for what felt like a few minutes, wheezing away. The next thing I know Johnson is on top of me, hands clasped around my neck.

"You bitch!" He wheezed, coughed and spat. "You should have just let me be all along!" I didn't know what to do, I just lay there lifeless. Letting him take my life away from me as he had his loyal fans. I rolled head to the side. His hands were getting tighter. I could see figures running towards me. Tighter. They were getting closer. Tighter. Closer. Tighter


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