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Zapping my way through the cosmos,
Zeus guides my soul through the waters of time

Zero hours greets my mortal soul, the
Zenith grows near as my life grows dim,
Zodiac signs form stars as
Zoo animals grope for their food;

Zooming in for the kill, I
Zap my prey with my pistol, wishing there was a better way to
Zone in on my lunch, yet knowing
Zeus had no better luck;

Zodiac signs fill my mind as the
Zenith completes its spin, yet I know the
Zoo will never be open in time,
Zig-Zagging through the cosmos accomplishes little;

Zero lives remain after this, yet
Zeal always pulls through in the end, the
Zero-hour holds dear to us all,
Zone troopers hold their own in the end;

Zip-codes let us know where we all are, yet
Zones distinguish nothing in the final reel, when
Zeus trumpets his horn and we all have nothing but
Zeal left to fight with;

Zoo animals will be our final hope, but I doubt they could
Zoom along fast enough to help in the
Zero-hour when
Zeus brings us all in for termination

July 3, 1997

POETRY: 1996-2005Where stories live. Discover now