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"Hey where were you last night? Did you walk home?" Anna is following me to class questioning me about last night. "Lyra, what's wrong?.."
"Nothing, Anna. I'm fine. I was just tired, that's all." I walk into class and sit down at my desk.
"Alright.." she walks away to her desk, on the other side of the room.

"Alright class, listen up! It's project week. Yes it's Tuesday I know we're a day behind, but we're still going to do it! Partner up in groups of two! And be quick before I have to pick for you!" The teacher explains the project.
Deja vu much...
Before I can ask Anna to be my partner, British boy is at my desk. "You're my partner."
"For the project. We're partners." He says.
"Meet me at the park at 5." He walks out of the classroom. Fuck, he's attractive. I mentally slap myself for even thinking that..
"Well damn, look at Lyra getting to be partners with Alex." Anna pats my shoulder and smiles at me. "Let me know how it goes." She winks at me and walks out of the classroom."
Fucking hell..this is not happening again..

  "You're zoning out again and not even listening to me." Anna sighs in frustration.
  "I'm experiencing deja vu..possibly." I'm sitting on a bench in the park waiting for Alex to arrive.
  Anna turns her head sideways and gives me a questioning look.
  "My old crush was my partner for a project back at my old school. And it led to us kissing in my bedroom.." I sigh at the memory.
  "Oh shit, Lyra. Wow that's uh.. oh look! Alex is here see ya later!" She grabs her backpack and runs off.
  I shift uncomfortably on the bench and he sits down right next me.
  "Hey. You look like you have someone's death planned out.." he frowns at me. When he doesn't get a reaction from me he says "Relax, I'm kidding. Lighten up." He smiles and I can't help but smile back. "There we go. You should do that more often. Makes ya look prettier." He takes a notebook from his bag and a pencil.
  While he gets ready and situated, I notice the color purple. His backpack is purple, his pen, and his notebook. He likes the color purple? Hm.
  "Alright so, any ideas?"
  "I don't know.. I'm sorry." I look down at the ground to avoid having to look at him.
  "It's alright. I got this. I'll just do it and put your name on it so we both get credit." He smiles again.
  "Oh no! I-I didn't mean it like that.. you don't have to do it by yourself."
  "Relax. It's fine. I got this. I have to go anyway. I'm meeting up with some friends. See you around, Lyra."
  I wave bye and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.
  So just to get things straight, Alex Sin is the most popular guy at school. He's single, and every girl jumps at the opportunity to get him to be theirs. Just by spending a few minutes with him, I can already tell this isn't going to end well.. I need to stay away from Alex..
If I was given a dollar for every time I thought about Asshole Baylor, I'd be rich. As much as I don't want to I'm always thinking about him. He's constantly on my mind. And now there's Alex Sin.
He's just as attractive as Aryse but he seems to be more laid back and I instantly felt safe around him. With Aryse I felt safe, but there was always a feeling of uneasiness..
It's hard to explain how I feel about these two boys. Aryse who've I known for almost a year now and Alex who I just met.. Can life get anymore complicated.


I wrote another letter..


"You want to hangout with me tomorrow evening? Some of my friends are going to the lake tomorrow and I thought you'd might want to go." Alex puts his hand on my book and interrupts my reading.
Sighing from frustration I look up and meet his gaze. His deep grey eyes...I notice how good his eyebrows are...the soft curve of his lips as he smiles at me. Realizing that I'm staring at him I quickly look away. "Um, sure. That sounds fun.."
He smiles. "Awesome. Can I pick you up at 4?"
"Awesome. See you then." He smiles again and walks out of the study hall room.

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