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One day I plan to give all these letters to the love of my life, or I could publish it as a book. I'm sure someone could find some pleasure in them. I put my notebook away and hear my phone ring. I see who it is and feel my heart skip a little. Lyra.. I answer it quickly.

"Hey! How are you-"

"Aryse.." She's crying..

"Lyra, are you okay?! What's wrong.?!"


"Lyra, calm down. Tell me what's wrong. What did Alex do?"

"He..he forced me to do it.. I didn't know he would do that to me." I hear her sniffle before she continues. "He wanted to meet me at the park and then next thing I know I'm in his bed half naked. I hurried home once I realized what he did." I hear her sigh.

"How do you know he did it and he's not just trying to mess with you?"

"He told me that if I end up pregnant that the baby isn't his.."

"He is one sick pervert.. Lyra, listen to me. Don't think too much about it okay? I am going to help you get through this. I'd come to you, but I kinda can't drive right now.. So how about you come see me as soon as you can, okay? I'm out of school until i get a release from the doctor, so I'm home and you can come over whenever you-"

"Tomorrow. I'll be there tomorrow."

"Uh, okay. That works I guess." I smile to myself.

"I have to go. Thank you, Aryse. You're the best. See you tomorrow."

"See ya tomorrow, Lyra." I hang up and walk over to my bed; I lie down and close my eyes and try to sleep, but I can't get her cry out of my mind.

Why would Alex do that to her? What the hell is wrong with him? I never liked the guy but even more so, I hate him so much more. No one messes with Lyra like or anyone for that matter..

I wake up to the door bell going off. I sit up and look at my alarm clock; it reads 11:47. Oh shit! Lyra! I get up and grab my phone. I text her to tell her to just come in and that I'm upstairs.

She comes in and she sees me, she walks over to me and hugs me. "Oh, Aryse.. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I'll heal, don't worry." I pull away from her hug and put my hand on my stomach.

"Oh, I'm sorry.."

"You're fine. I'm just a little sore. I got up too fast when I heard the doorbell ring." I sit down on my bed and pat the spot next to me for her to sit down. She sits down next to me with a smile. "So about Alex, don't stress over it. You need to report it."

"Yeah, I know. I'm just scared."

"Ah, don't be. The sooner you do, the sooner you'll feel better."

She glares at me. "Feel better?! Aryse, he fucking touched me without my permission. I will never feel better about this, ever."

"That's what I thought.. my mother isn't here for a reason.. but that's not the point. The point is, you have to accept this and just move on, there is nothing you can do to change it, except report him and let the authorities deal with him."

"I will. I planned to today, I just don't want to go alone." She looks at me with shyness.

"I can go, if you drive because I can't at the moment." I laugh a little and she smiles at me. "Just let me get dressed and we can go, okay?" She nods her head and I walk, or more like limp, to my dresser. I pull on a shirt and grab a hoodie from my dresser and pull it on as well. I grab a pair of sweats and look at Lyra. "My dad usually helps me.." I feel my face turn red and I'm sure she can see that it is. She walks over to me and grabs the sweats from me. I sit on my bed and take the boot cast off, and then my pants. I let her slide them off and put the sweats on. I stand up and hold onto her for support while I pull them on. I sigh and sit back down. I put the boot back on and smile at her. "Thanks."

She blushes. "You're welcome." She smiles at me and hands me my crutches. "Let's go."

"Feel better?" I ask her as we walk back out to her car. I get in the passengers seat and wait for her to get in on her side.

"Sort of. I'll feel better once we settle it legally. Which is Friday according to this paper."

I put my hand on hers and she looks at my hand and then at me. "Why did you come to me?"

"I was thinking about you, so I called you before I even realized it. I'm sorry for wasting your time with this." She sighs and looks out the windshield window.

"I'm glad you did, Lyra. I'm so glad you came to me and let me help you." I smile at her and she smiles back. "I love you, Lyra. You mean a lot to me and I'm so glad that you're okay."

"I love you, Aryse. Thank you."

She puts the car in gear and we head back to my house.

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