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The past 8 months have been the best ever. I've gotten closer to my best friend and she's pregnant with my daughter. My daughter that I've promised to take on as my own.
I suffered a month without Lyra when she found out about what Hayden and I did. She showed up at my door in tears and said she needs me and can't do this alone. She forgave me and I let her back in. After that Hayden and I haven't spoke much, we stopped seeing each other.
It's just been Lyra and I for the past 8 months. My dad stops in occasionally to check on us.
My pregnant girlfriend is laying on my bed watching me write. "What are you writing?"
"Just my thoughts. Nothing too important." I reply. I put down my pen and walk over to her. I sit down next to her and put my hand on her stomach. "How do you feel?"
"Like shit." She smiles.
"I still can't believe this is going to be our reality soon." I smile at her.
"I can." She looks up at me and puts her hand on mine. "Can you feel her?"
I smile and widen my eyes at the feeling of movement under my hand. "Yes."
She giggles. "Our little one."
"Yes. Our little one." I smile at her again. "I'll be back. Going to the bathroom." I rub her stomach and kiss her lips before leaving the room.
Once in the bathroom I take a deep breath as I'm doing my thing. I can't believe I'm actually going to be a father in less than a month. It's feels so-
My thoughts are interrupted by Lyra screaming my name. I run into my room to see her in tears. I run over to her. "What wrong?.." She won't look at me. I look down and see a wet spot on my bed...a red wet spot.
She sighs.
"Breathe, Lyra. I'm calling my dad." I run over to my desk and call my dad. It's rings twice before he picks up.
Aryse. Is everything okay?
It's Lyra.. I need you here now.
My dad arrives a few minutes later. He helps me get Lyra down the stairs and into the car.

My dad and I have been in the waiting for what feels like hours when a doctor walks up to us. We immediately stand up.
"There's some complications. We have to force her labor. Who's the dad of this baby?"
"I am.." I reply, my voice shaky.
"Follow me. You have time to see her before we start." I follow him down the hallway and into the room where my girlfriend is.
She's laying on the bed and when she sees me she smiles. I walk over to her and grab her hand. I squeeze it and smile. I tear up and she squeezes my hand back. "It's okay, Air. Please don't cry." I try to hold back the tears but they come anyway.
"I'm sorry.. I'm just scared. I can't do this without you. I need you, Lyra." I lay my head on our hands.
I feel her running her fingers through my hair. "It will be okay. I promise. If anything happens to me.. you're strong. I know you are. And no matter what happens to me, promise me you will take care of the baby."
"I.. I.."
"Aryse, please promise me."
"I promise.. I promise I'll take care of her and love her just as much as I love you." I start to cry uncontrollably and she reaches up to wipe the tears off my face.
"No tears baby. It's okay." 
We sit in silence holding hands until the doctor comes in and tells me I have to leave the room. I kiss her softly. "I love you." I whisper and leave the room.
Once I'm in the waiting room I walk over to my dad. He holds his arms out to me and I walk into his arms. He holds me tight as I let my tears fall. I feel my throat tighten up at the thought of losing Lyra. My dad holds me tight as I cry into his shoulder.
After a few minutes he lets go and we sit down.
I stare down at floor. "I don't know if I'll be able to do this on my own if she doesn't make it.." I sigh. I feel my dads hand on my shoulder.
"I felt the same way when you were in that accident. I didn't know what to think but I had a hope that you would make it out. And because of that hope, you're sitting right next me." I look up at him and smile.

I don't remember falling asleep, but I'm woken up by my dad. He's standing over me with the doctor beside him. I stand up quickly.
"They're both okay.", the doctor says to me.
I tear up and hug my dad.
"The baby is okay. Would you like to see her?"
I let go of my dad and take a deep breath. "Yes. Yes, please." I follow the doctor to the nursery, tears still falling down my face.
We arrive at the door of the nursery. I'm handed a mask and a pair of gloves. "For the safety of the babies." The doctor says. I put them on and follow him into the nursery. He stops at a bed with pink sheets and a little baby sleeping on them.
The doctor picks up the baby and hands her to me. "She hasn't been named yet. Take your time a nurse will be in here shortly to ask for the information and congratulations." He pats my shoulder and leaves the room.
I stare at the baby in my arms. The baby who is supposed to have a mother not just a father. "Where is Lyra?" I ask not looking away from the baby.

She sits next to me and I smile at her. She smiles back.
"You have a beautiful smile, you should do it more often." I say.
"Thank you."

"So..um it's Lyra, right?" I smile at her.
"Nice name I like it. It's unique."

In my bedroom I tell her she's beautiful. I kiss her for the first time.

We're sitting on my rooftop. She's leaning her head on my shoulder. It's the last time I'm going to see her for a while.

She's in my car. We're heading to her court date.

She's yelling at me for having sex with Hayden. She slams the door in my face and tells me to stay away from her.

She's at my doorstep in tears. Begging me to let her in again. She forgave me for what I did.

She's laying in a hospital bed.. telling me it's going to be okay. I kiss her for the last time..

"Excuse me, Sir?" The nurse walks in interrupting my flash-backs.
"Yes, ma'am." I reply.
She sets down some paperwork on a nearby shelf. I need you to sign a few things and I'll need the baby's name."
"The baby's name.." I repeat.
"Yes. Have you given any thought to what  it will be?"
I stare at the baby in my arms. "Laci." I say. "Laci Marie Baylor." I hand the baby to the nurse and sign the birth certificate. I notice Lyra's full name is already on here. "So again, where is my girlfriend?"

"She left." Is all the nurse said before I left without turning around.

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