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"So you mean to tell me that Aryse Baylor is alive and Sam isn't?!" My plan failed.. that's just wonderful.. I will find a way to hurt Aryse. Maybe I should start with his little toy..Lyra. "Find out where Lyra is and call me back when you find her. And be quick about it!!" I hang up my phone and leave my house. Once I have Lyra with me, Aryse is going to wish he were here.


  "Did you hear about Aryse?" Anna asks me. We're sitting on my bed; her scrolling through social media and me just listening to her blab on about everything she finds out. She reminds me of Sadie in way. She always knows what's going on because she's constantly on social media. Something I find not very interesting.

"No?" I sit up and look at her. Aryse.. "What's wrong with him?! Is he okay?! Please tell me he is.."

She looks up at me with a sad look on her face. Oh great.. he's not okay.. She looks back down at her phone. "He was in a car accident last night. He survived with a broken left leg, a third degree burn on his stomach, a few stitches on the left side of his cheek, and a few minor cuts and bruises." She looks up at me with a playful smile on her face. "He seems to sound okay to me." I roll my eyes and throw a pillow at her. She laughs and throws it to the side. She sits down on my bed and looks at me with a serious look. "Tell me about him? Please?"

I look up at her. "What do you want to know?.."

"Everything. Like how you two met, and all of the things you did together."

I sigh. "Well, it all started at the beginning of the school year when his girlfriend, Sadie, was being a bitch towards me and he stood up for me. We became partners for an assignment in Literature class and we kissed in my bedroom. He told me I wasn't important to him so I tried to kill myself and it didn't work. I was in a coma for three months and when I woke up, I found out that Hayden and Aryse were dating. And later, Aryse and I found out that Hayden and Addison, my best friend at the time, were messing around with each other. Apparently him and Hayden broke up. Oh and the night before I left, I spent the evening with Aryse sitting on his roof watching the sun set."

"Wow. Okay.. Sounds like a lot of shit has happened to you." She looks down at the floor as if to think before looking up at me again. "What's he like? Aryse."

It's been a while since I've thought about him. I haven't thought about him deeply in a while since I moved. "He's nice and caring, sometimes when he wants to be." I laugh a little. "He's just, I don't know how to explain it. He was there for me when I came back from the hospital. I felt like he actually cared for me, like he was sorry for what he did to me. And that right there proves how sweet of a person he actually is. He won't admit it but, he's a sweet and sensitive guy. He's the type of person you want around when you're feeling upset. He makes it all better." I didn't realize I was crying until I feel Anna wipe a tear off my cheek with her thumb. I wrap my arms around her and lean my head on her shoulder. "I miss him.."

"Oh, I know you do. When you talk about him, I can see in your eyes just how much you care about him." Her phone dings and she picks it up and looks at it. "It's just Sage asking where you are. He asked if you can meet him and Alex at the park." Her phone dings again. "He said when you come, you better be alone." She looks up at me with worry in her eyes. "Alone? What the hell do they want with you?.."

"I have no idea. Think I should go?"

"Well duh! I want to know what they want."

"What if it's something bad?"

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