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Okay so I punched Alex a few times..but he deserved it. He's got Lyra wrapped around his finger. What the fuck does she see in him? He's a liar and fuck over.. He's going to break her heart and here I am over here being the fuck up instead of getting her back as mine. How pitiful can you be Aryse..
I walk over to my desk and stare at the pile of papers sitting there. They're all letters to the love of my life. I doubt I'll ever be able to give them to her, but writing these letters has been the only thing keeping me sane.
I write until my hand starts to hurt. I put the letters inside my desk, grab my keys and head out to my car. I don't want to sit here and write love letters to a girl that probably hates me now.
Driving is a good way to clear thoughts. I do it quite often as it's a peaceful thing for me. As I'm driving down the interstate my light is green so I keep going but next thing I know something hits my car and I feel it flip. I hit my head on the steering wheel and I feel a burning sensation on my stomach. I try to stay awake but I feel myself going in and out of consciousness.. I close my eyes...
"Help me get this seatbelt off of him!"
I wake up to screams and worried conversations as hands are me on cutting the seatbelt off of me. I start to panic and the medic tries to calm me down.
"Hey, buddy. It's okay. You're okay. Can you tell me your name?"
I take a breath and pain shoots up my left side. "Ar-Aryse.." I take another breath and tear up.
"Aryse? Do you know your last name?"
"Baylor.. it's Baylor.." I feel nauseous..
"Aryse Baylor?! Call Jordon Baylor now! This is his son!" The medic turns back to me. "Listen, Aryse. I need you to stay awake okay? We're going to get you out of here." He gives me a warm smile. And I feel a little bit of reassurance.
I feel nauseous.. really nauseous. The medic must notice because he tells me it's okay if I need to release myself. I manage to keep it in. I look down at my lap and see nothing but red. I move my hand to my stomach and touch it lightly. It burns so bad. "What-what happened?" I ask.
"You crossed the interstate and the oncoming car from the other side didn't stop. Looks like you flipped a few times. Good thinking with having your seatbelt on; this could have been a lot worse if you hadn't had it on."
I look down at my lap again. The medic notices. "Yeah seatbelts are a pain in the ass sometimes but hey like I said it could have been a lot worse. Just don't touch or take too much deep breaths." He pats my hand. "You're going to be okay I promise, Aryse."
I feel my eyes getting heavy and my stomach is burning so bad.. "Hey buddy stay with me, not much longer. They're almost-" Everything goes black.
"Where is my son?! Let me see him!" My dad's voice.. "I deserve to see him damn son! Let me see him!"
"Mr. Baylor, please calm down. You'll be able to see him soon." I hear a frustrated sigh. I assume it's from my dad.
"Oh good, you're awake. Not so nice to see you again, Aryse." I look up to see the same nurse I had when I was in here for my failed suicide attempt.. at least it's not for that same reason this time..
"Hi, again."
"How do you feel. Are you feeling okay?" Haley is her name.. that's what her name tag says.. "Aryse? You okay?"
I look up at her again and smirk. "I feel great."
She looks at me sternly. "Aryse. Honestly how do you feel? I know you don't want to be in here but you need to be helpful and not sarcastic."
"I feel like shit and I need to throw up."
"Alright then. Sit tight buddy and I will be back in a bit with the doctor." She starts to leave.
"Wait. I heard my dad earlier. Where is he?"
"He's in the waiting room sweetheart. After the doctor comes in to check on you, I promise you will be able to see your dad.
A few minutes later the doctor comes in.
"Aryse Baylor. How do you feel?" He asks. And I'm going to answer honestly.
"Like shit. I need to pee and I think I'm going to puke."
He raises his eyebrows. "Well then in that case I'll make this quick so you can take care of that. But just warning you, it may take a little time for you to stand up on your own. You're hurt pretty badly. You have a third degree burn on your stomach, a broken leg, and four stitches on your left cheek. Oh and a lot of minor cuts and bruises on your left side." He gives me a smile. "But don't worry you'll recover quickly I'm sure."
He puts an IV in my arm and I feel the sting of whatever he's putting in it. It calms me..I feel myself getting sleepy again and I close my eyes.
"I'm sorry glad you're okay. When they called me I was in the middle of an important meeting and I just dropped everything and got here as soon as I could. What were you doing? And where the hell were you going?" My dad looks at me with worry.
"I was just driving to clear my head. It's not my fault that asshole didn't stop at his light." I take a breath and think about the other driver. "Do you know who the other driver was?" I look up at my dad and he shrugs.
"They couldn't identify him."
"Wait is he..?"
"Yeah. He didn't make it, but don't worry you're not the cause of the wreck so there will be nothing put against you." He smiles at me. "Thank God you're okay, Aryse." He begins to tear up.
"Dad, please don't. I'm fine, man up and stop crying like a bitch." I smile at him and he glares at me.
"Watch it." We both laugh.
The doctor comes in and hands me a pair of crutches. Here ya go buddy. Adjust them to your height and you're good to go. Also here's a prescription for your pain. And come back in a week and we'll take care of those stitches for you. Here's your release papers, just turn them in to the secretary at the desk before you leave. He gives me a smile. "I'm glad to say that you're okay, Aryse Baylor." He nods at my dad and leaves the room.
My dad helps me up and he adjusts the crutches for me and I stand up. I almost fall from the pain that shoots up my left side. My dad catches me. "Woah easy there, son." He helps me stand upright again. I lean onto the crutches and let out a deep breath. "Ready?" My dad opens the door for me and we walk out into the hall and to the main desk. My dad turns in the papers and we leave.
In the car, I find myself thinking about Lyra again. I wonder what she's doing at this very moment. I think about how she has no idea what has happened to me. I'm here hurt very bad and she's probably with Alex doing who knows what. I sigh and look out the window. I lean my head against the window and close my eyes.
Once we get home, I immediately rush to the bathroom and release everything I've been holding back. By the time I'm done my stomach and my left side hurts so bad I barely manage to stand up and make it to my bed. I lay down on my right side and close my eyes. Exhaustion runs through my body and I'm asleep before I realize it.

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