•Chapter 1•

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As usual,class 1-A is training early in the morning.The training is hard but they've been used to the hardness.

Uraraka's  POV
'Tch,this rock is very heavy....but I need to keep pushing myself!'I said to myself.'Argh,this nausea is not helping at all,at the other hand,I need to train myself to float heavy things...if not...when am I going to strong...?I need to be strong...I need to be a heroine,I need to help others,I need to become like 'him'.I just have to push myself further.Even if it meant injuring myself...I don't care at all...I have to be stronger,I need to be stronger...just look at them...they are all working hard and making way to their future dream...and look at me...nothing improve...at all...so that's why I need to be stronger and prove to them that I can be stronger...!

Erk,just three more giant rocks...its really heavy...why does it kept getting heavier and heavier...?Argh...why do I care?I need to push myself anyway...'Uraraka!Release it right now!You already past your limits!Release and rest a bit.'Deku-kun...'No,I need to hold on even longer and I need to past my limits!'I said...'I know that but that doesn't mean you need to overpass your limits until you die!'Well this is Deku-kun...he is always right...right?'Fine...I'll release...'C'mon Uraraka-san,I'll catch you don't worry!'Wait...WHAT?!Catch me!?I release and let my body to fall at Deku-kun's hand...'Uraraka-san,are you alright..?'Yes,I am fine...now would you please let me train again?'What?!No!You've past your limits long enough!You need to rest!Even if you train,there's no time left to train.and bla bla bla bla(yes I know,I'm lazy to write his talking XD)

                  –Time skip–
                    •At lunch•

'*sigh*...I didn't even push myself far...Don't worry!In the next training,I could train where there's no one!'I grab my food and search for Deku-kun and Lida-kun...then I accidentally bump to..eep!I bump to Bakugo...'Argh,watch your move fat-ass!No wonder you lost in the battle.' Then he went storming off with anger but the most I think is...Am I really that fat..?I do think of that often but I never realise that I'm fat...'Uraraka-san!Over here!'Lida calling to me while Deku-kun was muttering about something...but I didn't bother to ask...I was busy thinking about what Bakugo said...

I just sat there and watch my food but not eating it...it's because I didn't feel like eating...Deku-kun noticed that something is off so he asked me..'Uraraka-san,why aren't you eating your food?You need to eat something before the next period of class.'He said but I just stayed silent...

Midoriya's POV
I know something's wrong...she usually smile while eating or complements the food...I'm worried about her...Is she okey?Might as well ask her...'Uraraka-san,are you okey.'she still stayed silent...whats wrong?'Hey Uraraka,you okey?' Kirishima ask but still no answer from her...now I'm worry sick...'Uraraka,you have to answer them,they are asking.You can't stay silent.'Lida said while making his hands like a robot.She still stay silent!?Now I'm really worry.'Uraraka-san!'

Uraraka's POV
'Uraraka-san!' I snapped out of it and look at the others with worries with their faces..well except for Bakugo who is looking at me with a mad-for-nothing face.'Ah-yes?'I ask,I don't know what were they asking or saying to me.'Are you okey,Uraraka?Midoriya was worried sick you know.'said Kirishima.Did he really worried about me?ME!?'I-I'm fine!It's okey!And I'm sorry for making you worried Deku-kun!'His face was pale to red.'I-it's okey...but..'His face return normal'Are you really okey?You float like 4 heavy rocks by your own and you've been pacing out and didn't even eat your food.'He noticed..?'If there's anything wrong tell me or tell to the people you trust okey?'I nodded but...this problem only I can solve...nobody can solve it...

            I need to be stronger...


That's all for chapter 1 and I know...it's weird but just bare with it :')

Thank you for reading this chapter!I hope you are satisfied!See you in the next chapter!

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