•Chapter 3•

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Uraraka's POV
"Uraraka-san–!"AHHHHH!What the...?Where am I?My vision started to recover and I saw a green haired guy sitting beside me while sleeping...he looks cute when he's asleep...wait WHAT?!What did I just said?!Argh....my stomach hurts...I feel dizzy...What's wrong with me...?"Oh,your finally awake I see"said the recovery girl."Where am I?"I ask."You pass out while training my dear...you overpass your limits...you're body couldn't keep up because you didn't have enough energy."She said."Is that so...when am I free to leave?"I asked."You can leave tomorrow,but for today,you better as well rest.If you need anything,just ask me,okey?"She said to me.*sigh*Why did I ended up like this?I just wanted to push myself...well maybe next time...I sigh..."Uraraka-san!Are you okey?!"he said with a tone of worry."Yes,I am fine!Don't you worry..."...I lied..."Anyway!Why aren't you in class?Isn't class going to start?"I asked."Hehehe...the thing is..."

Time skip–

"Hahahaha!!!That's so hilarious!"I can't stop laughing!"I laughed."Hey that's not funny,quit it off!Stop laughing at me!"he said while blushing."Why did you even do that?"I asked while laughing at him."It's because I'm...I'm just worry about you..."he said while blushing.I froze for minute and then snapped..."NANIIIIII?!"Did he seriously worries about me?I said to my mind and blush a little bit..."Thank you,Deku-kun."I smiled at him,he replies back with a smile too.

Back to time,when Midoriya sent Uraraka to the recovery girl.–

Midoriya's POV
*sigh*I hope that she's okey...I went back in my class and sat on my chair,thinking what's going on with her..."Hey Midoriya,so how's with Uraraka?Is she alright?"Kirishima asked."Yes,she just need some rest."I told him while thinking about Uraraka."Really?Hey Aizawa sensei!Could please let Midoriya take care of Uraraka?"Kirishima asked.My jaw drop.What the!?Why did he do that!?"Ya,just do whatever you want,just don't disturb me."I froze in shock."See?Now go get her!"He said."Get her!?Why would I get he–!?"He shut me from asking and said what made my face red."Don't worry Midoriya!You're secret of liking her is safe with me!"He winked at me and then push me out of class.What he said...is it true?Do I like her?No!That wouldn't be true!Right?Or do I like her...No,no,no,no it's going to ruin our relationship!*sigh*I wonder if she felt the same thing...meh,she wouldn't like a person like me...but I do hope she likes me back...wuaaaaa!What's wrong with me!?I just need to go to the recovery girl place and take care of her.That's all!Nothing else!Okey,let's go!

–Present time–

*yawn*She's still sleeping...she looks cute when sleeping...wait what!?Argh,what's wrong with me?"Deku-kun..."Is she talking in her sleep?Is she dreaming about me!?No...waaaaaaaaa!What's wrong with?!Stop it right now!*sigh*I stared at her until I fall asleep.After that,someone woke me up and said."Deku-kun,it's already at midnight,let's go home."Uraraka-san smiled at me."Okey..."I blushed a bit.I get up and brought my belongings.I waited Uraraka-san at the front of U.A High.

I saw Uraraka-san walking towards me with a smile that nobody could ever replace.I smile at her back.We continued to walked together.We arrived at her house and I wave at her and said goodbye.She also said goodbye to me and smiled back but something is off....she doesn't look as happy as before...is there something wrong?What did the recovery girl said to me?"She pass out because she didn't have enough energy and it seems like she didn't ate anything today...could you kept an eye of what she's doing?She could over do herself.What's up with her?I just don't get it...*sigh*I'll think about it later.

Uraraka's POV
Why can't I handle my own power?I don't get it?!"Sweetie,come down and have dinner.We're leaving soon."My mother said.Well of course their leaving,they wanted to go to Japan for so long,of course they're excited."Alright mom,you can go first."I said to them.They left and they left some food at the table but I didn't said that I will eat the food tho...well might as well eat a bit...I ate a bit of my mother's cooking.It taste delicious but...something's off..."Ark!"I ran to the bathroom and vomited...argh...what's wrong with me...?


Thank you for reading this chapter,even if it's not good.I am very grateful!🤗That's all,thank you!

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