•Chapter 2•

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Midoriya's POV
*sigh*What's wrong with Uraraka-san?I know that there's something wrong with her but I don't know what...why won't she tell me?I mean,we are best friend...right?That's what I think...I hope she's okey...*sigh*I better go to sleep...

-Early in the morning-

"It's okey Deku-kun...I'm fine..!Don't you worry at all...!"Is she really okey?She didn't even smile when we were eating...thus she didn't even eat her food...even if she ate her food,she will end up going to the bathroom...I still don't know what's going on with Uraraka-san...even her friends noticed that something was off with her...*sigh*I'll just think about this later...

Uraraka's POV
Shot,shot,shot,shot!I'm late!!How could I be late?!Stupid,stupid,stupid!Why didn't I set the alarm clock!?I let out a big sigh while running towards to U.A High.I grab my phone and see what time is it and there is only 5 minutes left.Phew...I'm not that late...lucky me...I guess...Okey!Today I'm not gonna eat anything at all for today!I hope it will lower my weight and I wouldn't be a fat person...

'Argh,watch where your going fat-ass!That's why you didn't won the battle!'

Is it true?What he said...maybe it was true...so thats why I wanted to lower my weight and not to eat at all today...but...even if I eat,I will vomit it all out causing me to always go to the bathroom.Well I don't care about it...

•While training•

Argh...why is it so heavy...?Yesterday it wasn't this heavy...did the teachers increase the amount of weight to this rock..?Anything but that,this thing is really heavy...I release the rock and try to float myself as long as I can...yet I forget that I haven't breakfast this morning...*sigh*I'll just get used to it...I touched both of my legs and arms and making it zero gravity but the thing is...I felt so hungry and I didn't noticed that I had just past my limits long enough...but that doesn't mean I have to stop...I can just handle this...I hope...

Then,my nausea started to react...I started to feel like vomiting...and I felt like going to past out...but that doesn't stop the zero gravity effect.I'm still floating...I want to call someone to help but I didn't want to disturb them training and I didn't have enough energy to release myself...'Uraraka-san!Release!You're going to past out!'he yelled at me but most of the yelling is blocked by a weird sound...my vision started to get blurry and I wasn't able to move...I kept floating...and all I kept thinking about was...Will I ever going to be a heroine..?Even if I have a quirk...I still couldn't control it very well...everyone in my class is very powerful...then look at me...I just have zero gravity..hehehe...I'm such a loser...I'm never going to be a heroine...I'm hopeless,useless,and good-for-nothing quirk...I lost hope...I didn't find any light for my future...is this the end?

Midoriya's POV
'Uraraka-san,just released!I will catch you!I promise!Now release!'What's wrong with her?Why isn't she moving?Why is she not reacting while I was yelling at her?Is she not going to release her body from floating like that?Is she really okey?Someone taped me at the back and said 'Get ready to catch her,Midoriya.'said Aizawa sensei to me.I just nodded for agreement.Aizawa sensei removed her quirk and drop very quickly.I used my quirk to jump as high as I could to catch her.

Luckily,I caught her but now is the landing.If I use one for all power in the right timing and right amount of power...it could bounce me off and I can land at that soft bed(Why bed?I don't know XD)It could happened...but there is a percent that we can land horribly and end up at the nursery room but why bother anyway?So I use the strategy that I came up with and luckily land safely.I was relieved but that is not the end of his worrying.He still needed to take Uraraka-san to the recovery girl and let her recover Uraraka-san...but the only thing that he kept on bugging me...why didn't she respond to me or even move an inch...but other than that I need to get her to the recovery girl asap!

Kirishima's POV
What's up with Midoriya?I mean like, I know that he wanted to help Uraraka but this time...his facial expressions is different...could it be...that...he...likes Uraraka..?


Sorry if this chapter is weird or something,sometimes we just don't know what we are writing...:')

Well that's all!Thank you for reading this chapter!Even if it's not that good!

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